Chapter 1

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"I have already change fifteen times." She whine. I sit back in my chair and take a sip of the burbon. The liquid gold burning my throat every inch of the way to my stomach. I look at my glass and then back to her. She looks so much like her mother. The stubbornness she has burns in her gray passionate eyes and seeps into her body language. I stand up and her stubbornness faulters but she quickly recovers. In a different time and different world I would be proud of my beautiful daughter but in all reality she needs to understand that she's needs to be perfect. The whip in hand slashes through the air and rips at her arm.
She won't disrespect me. Another hit.
She will listen to me. Another hit.
She will be perfect. Another hit.
"Change or you'll face more." I raise my voice letting the authority in it ring throughout the fitting room of my manison. I look at my sweet daughter on her knees. Not a single tear inks the marble and I am so proud of her. A barley noticeable smile is plaster on my face. I wipe it away with another sip of the burbon.
"Yes father." The hardness and coldness of her response makes me shiver just a slight. I turn on my heel and stalk to my chair and sit. She gets up, straightens her shoulders with her head held high, and walks calmly to the dressing room.
She comes out in yet another dress. She looks absolutely stunning. The royal blue colour makes her seem in power. The slice the whip made on her arm is well covered and I am pleased.
"This is the one." I stand from my chair and stride towards her. She has eye contact with me. Her eyes analyzing my every move. "You'll be having all them rich bastards drooling over you Yosiee." She raises her chin just the slightest and stills glares at me with watchful eyes. There is a emotion that flickers across her face but is quickly hidden before I could make it out.
"Thank you Linda for you services today. Please excuse yourself until I call for your service again." She turns her stare towards the dressing room maid. The authority in her voice almost makes my blood run cold. Almost.
"Yes Yosiee." The maid, Linda, tiny voice doesn't echo through the room but is heard. The tension grows between me and my daughter as the echo of Linda's heels click against the marble.
"So, father," Yosiee side steps me to walk towards the window. She glances at me and I can tell she's choosing her words wisely. "How am I suppose to act during this event? You have barley told me any kind of details." The way she walks back towards me screams authority and power. There is no emotion on her face as she stares me in my eyes and waits for an answer. I am pleased but she will never be higher than me. Never.
"This event you are attending is for me to look for you a husband. They will be awaiting your arrival." She stops mere a foot from me and glares at me.
"And when shall I meet this man you seek? Midnight? or will I run like Cinderella then?" A smirk breaks from her lips. One stride I am in front of her. I grip her chin hard and raise the whip from my belt. She tries her best to look away and I see the fear of being whip smacked on her face. I jerk her chin to meet my eyes. Her eyes are hard. They show no fear, they show...nothing. I lower the whip.
"Don't smart mouth me Yosiee." I spit in her face. "Change back into your clothes. There will be consequences awaiting." I push her from me. She stumbles but recovers and stalks back to the dressing room. I return back to my chair and grip my glass. I stand up and throw the glass across the room.
"You'll never be good enough for me Yosiee!" My hoarse voice echos while the glass shatters against the wall.

"When will you ever learn?" I say as I pull the belt from around my waist. After Yosiee got dress she went to her room. Did she really think she was going to get away with smart mouthing me? I stand in the door way of her room while Yosiee is sitting on her bed glaring at me. Her room is filled with natural light. I remember when she was a little girl how she loved the windows in this room. I shake my head lightly, this isn't the time to reminisce. I push myself off of the door frame and make my way in. I close the door behind me and Yosiee stands from her bed. "Why do you make me do this to you? I try and try and try, yet you pull and push away from me." I proceed to walk towards her. Our eye contact never breaking.
"Punishment with a belt I see." She raises one eyebrow and forces a neutral face. I stop in the middle of her room. I break eye contact and look around her room. There's a little sitting area to my right completed with a couch and television. My left has a grand baloney and behind me a grand book shelf lined with her favorite books. She continues after a minutes pause, "don't want anyone to see that you whip me? Is that the reason for the belt or do you want me to not be in a wheel chair for tonight's event?" She slightly laughs. I snap my head back towards her.
"Yosiee, don't push me. Come here now!" I harshly command. She doesn't even flinch at my words like everyone else does. I am impress of my daughter. She strides over to me and stops in front of me. I jerk her by the arm to the couch. She catches her fall with her hands and I begin her punishment. Hit after hit after hit on the small of her back, ass, and thighs.
She will respect me.
She will listen to me.
She will be perfect.
The harder I hit, the faster I hit, I see her shoulders falling and her head lowering. I stop. I bend down and grab a handful of her dark hazel hair into my hand and pull her head up to my lips.
"You bring this out from me...This is your fault! It will always be your fault Yosiee that I am this way. Don't forget that." I snap into her ear. I let go of her hair and stalk out her room. She will never know how proud I am of her. "Carol!" My voice echos through the hallway and within minutes a maid comes rushing towards me.
"Make sure Yosiee is taking care of and ready by nine for tonight's event."
"Yes sir." She deeps her head a little and rushes down to Yosiee room.
"Also Carol," I hear the clicking of her heels stop. "Yosiee isn't allowed dinner tonight. Make sure she is well prepared by nine." I then make my way to the kitchen before I start to prepare myself for tonight as well.

"Yes father." The dullness in her voice lace with pain medication is far from the normal. As the limo makes it's way to where the event is held I began to feel unease.
"You will behave Yosiee,"
"Or I'll face consequences. I understand father." She closes her eyes and lays her head against the head rest. I would've slap her for making me look like a fool in front of the guards but I feel guilty for slashing out on her earlier. I adjust and unadjust the buttons on my suit. As we arrive one of the guards gently shake Yosiee to wake. She smiles and thanks him. When we enter the ball room line after line of men are gather around. I gently grab Yosiee's hand. She tries to pull away but I grip harder and she complies. Her eyes seem hooded as she squares her shoulders and lift her head slightly. She looks around at the men and every single one of them are drooling. I mentally laugh at how they will stack money into my hand for her. I mentally laugh at how valuable she is. We prance around and she personally welcomes everyone. After awhile I send Yosiee to one of the rooms upstairs with her guards. The medication she's on must be really strong. I mentally scold myself for being to hard on her.
"Gerald how are you?" I question the most wealthiest man in this room. He is the future soon to be prince of-
"I'm very well. Your daughter is very strong and beautiful. The way she holds her self is quite amazing. I bet you are proud of her."
"I am very proud of her. How are things in Saudi Arabia?"
"Things are well. My fiancé is really happy at the way things are looking in the near future." His smile grows and my smile fades slightly. A fiancé?
"Congratulations Gerald." I shake his hand and pat his back. A fucking fiancé. "I better get back to Yosiee."
"Will you please tell her I say hello." He stalks off and I find another rich bastard. I analyze ever man around me. This event was an invite only so I know all of them are qualified for my liking. As I walk to the bar I am greeted by Aidan. He's father owns Beneficial Bank, one of the largest citywide.
"Good evening Mr. O'Conner." His hand is outreach and I contemplate weather to shake his hand or not.
"Good evening. How are you?" I take a seat at the bar and order a glass of burbon.
"I'm very well. My father wanted to send his regards."
"Tell him thank you, I know he must be quite busy." I take a sip.
"Very. He's wanting to expand the Bank to New York and he was also wondering if you would talk business with him. I have heard you are quite excellent with working computer programs and numbers."
"Well of course." I smile at Aidan. His father is wanting to discuss business with me? I am amazed and quite pleased. I Aiden would've made the list for husbands. I glance at my wrist for the time.
"I hate to cut our conversation short but I must be on my way." I down the rest of my burbon and pat Aidan on the back.
"Why of course." With a nod of the head I stalk off.

"How much?"
"How much are you willing to give Nate?"
"I'm not here to discuss prices. I'm here because I want to marry Yosiee and I want to know how much Mr. O'Conner."
"Sixteen billion and minus a formal wedding." I calmly offer. I watch as he contemplates. I know he likes the idea of no formal wedding so I don't see why he doesn't just take the damm offer. He looks towards his money man then back to me.
"Sixteen billon assures that she is a virgin, well behaved, cooks, clean, and well birth children for me." His English accent is clip with anxiousness.
"I assure you its worth it Nate." He ranks his hand over his hair then looks at his money man.
"She will live with me in England." He mostly states instead of a question statement like I know he attended for.
"Yes of course." Just hurry the hell up with handing me the money you bastard. He takes one more look at his money man. A sly smile spreads on my face.

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