Chapter 2

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Yosiee pov-
"England? Sending me away are you now?" I stare at my father the way he showed me so many years ago. He told me if you stare someone eye to eye then it showed power.
"Again. Show me again"
"Like this daddy?" I give the face that he shows me.
"Perfect." He smiles at me and I go to hug him. He wraps his arms around and swings me high. "You are the best daughter in the world Yosiee!" He beams.
"Yosiee, don't." He warns. "And yes, part of the deal was for you to live with him in England. His name is Nate and he is a great man." He strides over to me. I square my shoulders and and tilt my head slightly. How he taught me.
"Oh really? A scale from 1 to you how great is this man?" I force my smirk down but my father seen it. Shit.
"We will get your smart mouth of yours under control Yosiee before you move to England." Of course. Beat the shit outta me. I mentally roll my eyes. He raises his whip made especially for me, probably, yet I don't flinch or move. I hold my gazed on him. A few seconds pass and a flicker of emotion passes he's eyes before the whip wraps around my thigh. It cuts through the dress that was for the event. I guess I don't really need it now. I mentally laugh as my stance falters. I quickly recover for another slash. This time the whip licks my side and grabs my hair. When my father brings the whip back it yanks my hair. I mentally scream. I know if I scream out I get more.
"Dad where's mom?" I walk into the kitchen to find dad sitting at the kitchen table with tears staining his face. "Dad?"
"Nows not the time Yosiee."
"Yosiee." He warns.
"But where's mom? Dad you better tell me." He gets up and grabs his belt from around his waist. He hits me repetitively. He screams at me to stop screaming and crying or he'll give me more but it hurts so much. Why is he hitting me?
"Yosiee! Scream or even make another sound I'll give you more." He growls into my ear. He drops me back to the floor and stalks off.
"Why dad?" I breathe. I hear his footsteps stop momentarily.
"What did I say?" Another hit from the belt makes me slump deep on the granite tiles. I raise my head as black edges around my vision. I see my dad's feet before I lay my head back on the floor and collapse into an unknown darkness.
"Go. You leave for England in three days." Great. I get up and stalk off to my room.

"Yosiee! Oh my god."
"I'm fine." I wave a dismissive wave as Linda comes rushing towards me.
"I'll clean them up when we get to your room." I don't say anything in reponse. As we enter my room I rip the dress that I am wearing off of me. Linda looks at my wounds and gets the first aid kit to patch me up.
"Honestly, Linda, I think father went easy on me today." I winch as she applies pressure onto the whip cut on my back.
"Why do you say that Yosiee?"
"Well because I barely felt them this time." I hear her sigh. I remove her hands from my back and turn around. Her eyes are watering and I honestly don't think I can handle seeing her cry so I pull her into me and hug her tightly. Her shoulders relax and she pulls away.
"I still can't believe that after all this he has put you through your still Yosiee." There is a spark of pride in her eyes. She turns, walks to my closet, and pulls out my sleeping clothes. I take them and change into them. "I'm moving to England to be with my soon to be husband that father picked in three days."
"Really? So soon?"
"Yes and I know. Your going to come with me aren't you?" My heart tightens but I force myself to not think of the chance Linda not coming with me.
"We can see but I highly doubt your father will- "
"It's okay Linda, I understand." I pull my hair into a ponytail and climb into bed. She walks to my side of the bed and covers me up.
"You never know with your father Yosiee but will see. Keep hope in your heart." She plants a kiss on my forehead and turns my lamp off. I hear her heels click on the floor as she leaves my room and I am all alone. Might as well get use to it. I huff and soon find myself drifting off to a dream less dream. Thank God.

Last day. The last day in my room before I have to leave and honestly these last three days went by in a blur. I leave around nine o'clock tonight and all the essentials that I need are already packed for me. My father has not once requested me nor seen me today. I am honestly glad. I smile mentally. I won't miss his ass whatsoever, fuck him. Fuck this place. I sigh, I wonder what it's going to be like once I finally meet this mystery man and England. Maybe it will be better than here?
"Yosiee," I turn around to be met with a crying Linda. She looks broken as she tries desperately to wipe her flowing tears. I feel my heart drop and my anger rise.
"What did he say?" I grit through my teeth.
"I'm not allow to go with you. T-that I am better off here and there will be other maids that will take care of y-you." Her tears have subsided but I know they won't be like that for long. I mentally prepare myself and try not let this situation affect me. My father words ring in my ear.
"Yosiee, this world will try to rip you every which way to see you falter and cry. You must never let a situation affect you so highly that it messes with your brain. You'll never be able to conquer what you want if you let this world and it's people affect you."
I straighten my back and sigh. This is my father's way of getting to me because he must know how close I have come with Linda. I look at her and smile lightly. She gives me a sly smile before opening her arms for me. I rush into them. I engulf her in a hug that is so full of love, care and respect. I am engulf in her sweet aroma of perfume and the strawberry scent of her hair. I squeeze my eyes shut because I don't want to leave her, I don't want this to end. All to soon though we pull away. She has trails of tears on her cheeks and I hold my tears back.
"Maybe you'll still be able to. Maybe the man that I am suppose to marry will let you come later." The words rush out off my lips. She give me a weak smile and sniffles.
"Yosiee, listen, promise me you'll stay true to who you are. You'll always be present in my heart. You seem like a daughter to me Yosiee and I am glad that I got to take care of you, to be your maid, it was a honor. I love you Yosiee so I want you to have this." She hands me a necklace. The sliver chain seems to glow and the little crystal moon hanging from the chain glitters. I look at Linda in shock. Words are scrambled in my head like eggs, they are making no sense and won't make complete sentences. I open and close my mouth like a fish out of water. I don't know what to say as I look from her to the necklace.
"Thank you Linda. Will you help me put it on?" Finally the scramble eggs of words are put into place.
"Yes Yosiee." I hand her the necklace and turn around. I hold my hair up and she locks it around my neck. I stare at it as I let my hair down and turn back to her.
"I love it."
"It looks quite amazing on you Yosiee." I hug her once more. Her embrace is warm and not as fierce as the last one. This one feels like home and as I slowly pull away I whisper the words that I will never tell my father and will probably never hear from him either.
"I love you too."

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