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To be quite honest with you the reason I can't wait till i'm 18 is actually because I think I know where I can go in life at that point. Right now I know what I want I know why i want it, I just cant think of anyways to describe it. Great right? I think the reason why I'm confused could be because of all these fucking stereotypes! Why would you have them anyway? WTF! Society preaches about being your own person but still label you and put stereotypes to your name for example my friend, she died her hair black... She likes rock/ loud/ screamo music, but yet everyone labels her as the goth? The emo? The outsider? Just because she's attracted to these things simply means shes this or shes that? No! Why cant she just be herself and be free to do/ like what she wants without being judged by "normal" people. I thought only god could judge us? Am i wrong? And that reminds me what is normal !!! Who decide what normal is ??? And when was this decided?!?! Was there a "normal" meeting i wasn't invited to , to discuss the matter itself because if so i would have had a few choice words to say!

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