chapter 5

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As they pulled away from the school Cedric used his dragon eyes and saw nothing but at the same time cartoons used his demon eyes and saw someone who looked like Cedric. 

Cartoons pov.
As i used my demon eyes and looked out of the window i had to be losing it bc i saw someone who looked like Cedric but when i looked back to where he was sitting i lost it. "Hey Cedric i need to tell you something ." "whats up cartoons " said padfoot as she woke up from her short nap which she normally tackes when she is done eating launch but since she was worried about Cedric who was ready to kill Jack but after he was told what happened calmed down enough
And went back to class. "Don't worry about it padfoot " he told her as he thought of something else because he knew she was going to read his mind.When we got to where we were going everone got off and i pulled Cedric aside " dude are you sure your dad is dead" " ya man why do you ask" "i thought i saw him thats why dude and i did use my demon eyes before you ask". "Dude just drop it ok i don't want to talk about it anymore ok" "ok sorry man" thats when we both heard padfoot and kiken step up be hind us .

Cedric's pov

So when we got to the place i don't rember the name but when we got there cartoons pulled me aside. "Dude are you sure your dad is dead?"" of corse i am why whats up""dude i think he might be alive still but invisible ". "Dude thats not possible he had no powers even my mom told me that ok so just drop it dude" "Ok sorry man just thought you might know if he did or not but i will drop it" it was at that point that kiken and padfoot showed up "I knew something was up cartoons you just didn't want to tell me" "i have no clue what your talking about"

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