Chapter 1:

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"Check mate." I said, grinning at the tall and lanky boy.

"That wasn't fair! I was in the bathroom and you moved my king!"

"Face it Harry," I began to take the pieces off the chess board. "You suck."

"I just let you win because I'm afraid you won't be able to handle how good I am." He joked. The sunlight coming from the window reflected off of the clear surface of his glasses.

"Sure." I zipped up the bag with the chess figures and bent down to put it back in the cabinet. "What movie are we watching tonight?" I asked, looking back at my best friend.

"Do you really need to ask?" He rolled his eyes.

"Harry I swear to god if we watch Dirty Dancing again--"

He heaved a big dramatic sigh. "We don't have to watch it again," He played with the ring on his finger. "But whatever we choose it has to be from the 80's, anything else I am taking my bag and leaving."

"You are such a pain!" I groaned. "Why am I even friends with you?"

"Because you love me?" He smiled, his hard-not-to-love dimple prominent.

I couldn't help but smile back.

"Just pick something." I gave in.

I stayed in the kitchen, rifling through the pantry closet to find anything high-fructose and a lot of sugar, like always. I could hear Harry in the living room, shuffling through movies and mumbling something about how bad movies from the 90's are.

"Aha!" I could hear Harry's large feet hitting my hardwood floor until I saw him stumble into the kitchen. He smirked, holding up a movie. I walked over to him to see what he decided on.

When I saw the cover I face palmed, "We saw the Breakfast Club twice last week!"

He pouted, "I know but I stole all of your other movies and this is the only one I could find!"

"I think I know a movie we could watch." I said, pulling my bottom lip in under my teeth.

"From the eighties?" He asked, his eyes lighting up.

"Of course!" I lied. I ushered him into the living room, and started going through my movies, pulling out a specific one. I popped it into the cd case and fell back onto the couch next to Harry. "I don't think you've ever seen this one." I smirked.

"I'll be right back, just get comfortable or something." I ran into the back room, and pulled out the drawer in my dad's office, where the handcuffs were. I ran back into the room just in time before the movie started. "Harry give me your hand for a second," Surprised at his obedience, I took the metal brace and looped it around his wrist and before he could react, attatched it to the metal lamp next to me.

"What the fu--"

"Shh the movies starting." I put my fingers against his soft, plump lips.

With his free hand, he pulled my fingers away from his mouth, his fingertips hesitating on my skin before pulling away. "Are you psycho?"

"No, my dad's just a cop." I grinned at him. "I just don't want you to leave."

"Why would I--" His eyes opened in horror as he looked at the screen just as the title went across. "YOU PUT IN TWILIGHT?!" He struggled to get up but the chain held him down.

"You are psycho." He said, confirming it for himself.
I shrugged. "Maybe I am. But we can get it tested after we watch the movie."

He groaned. "I hate you."

"Love you too."


"Remember my ex, Mary? Well I told her that I was getting a giant tattoo with her name on it on my forehead and she actually thought I was serious and so I broke up with her for her lack of humor."

I was high on giggles by the time he finished his stories of ex-girlfriends and was having trouble breathing. "Oh my god." I laughed, when my heart finally started to pump at a normal pace. "Why do you even go out with all these girls anyway?"

He shrugged. "Why do you rarely go out with any guys?"

"Because I'm lesbian." I joked, his eyes popping out of his head.


"I'm kidding, Harry! Maybe I should end our friendship for your lack of humor!" He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay, but why?"

"I don't know.. I guess I'm just waiting for the right one to come along?"

He started laughing. "That was so cheesy!"

"You're cheesy." I fired back. I rested my head on my pillow, facing him. His arms were folded behind his head, his glasses resting on my nightstand. I had seen him like this so many times, his messy curls fanned out across my pillow but I don't know, he just seemed so different this time, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"What are you looking at?" He said, searching my blue eyes.

"I don't know." I sighed, putting my hair behind my ear. "My parents should be home by now."

He nodded, closing his eyes and yawning. "I'm tired."

"Me too." I pulled my sleeping bag up to my chin and turned my face to my wall, covered with calendars and a collage of me with friends. I closed my eyes, darkness taking over me.

Harry interrupted me before I drifted off to sleep, "Goodnight, Luce."

"Night, Harry."


I woke up, seeing my mother's face looking over me. "Harry had to go, he had a soccer game. But get ready, or we are going to be late to your aunt's wedding."

I groaned, "I thought that was tomorrow!" My mom shook her head, as I started getting out of my sleeping bag and slowly walking over to my closet- extra slow to piss my mom off. I looked back to see her expression. "Hurry up Lucy!" she folded her arms across her chest and walked out. I sighed, opening my closet and saw my array of dresses I wear to parties with Harry. I found my bridesmaid dress, neatly ironed (obviously the work of my mom)

I finished getting ready, adding a bit of make-up on and heading downstairs for breakfast. "Just grab a scone because we need to go." My dad said, "I'm going to get the car started." I took the small pastry and followed him out the door, slipping on my flats.


I could hear the music before we were parked. I jumped out of the car and rushed to meet my Aunt and felicitate her. "Lucy!" She yelped as I crashed into her. She stumbled back a little from the impact of my hug.

I smiled at her. "So where's the lucky guy?" I said.

"He's over talking to his friends. Speaking of guys, where is your man?" She asked, poking my dimple.

I rolled my eyes. "He's at a soccer game."

She folded her arms. "I should start planning YOUR wedding!"

I covered my head with my hands. "It's not like that!" She just shook her head, and I was positive she was smirking even though my eyes were covered.

"Where's your parents, by the way?"

Pointing to the two people walking down the driveway into the garden where we were, I walked away towards the food table. I hovered over the dark chocolate truffles, sneaking several into my mouth before putting a couple on my plate. A tall blonde walked next to me, standing uncomfortably close. He reached across me, getting some of the dark chocolate truffles I had on my plate. His tuxedo's sleeve creeped up his arm revealing a tattoo of a guitar.

"Nice tattoo." I pointed out.

He turned towards me, "Thanks. I have some others if you want to see them." He smiled, but it was an awkward request.

"I'll pass." I said, making him half roll his eyes before stopping himself.

"So why are you here?" He asked in a slightly rude way.

"My Aunt is the bride. You?"

"My friend here is the Groom's nephew." He pointed to a guy wearing a snapback and his arms wrapped around the waist of some brunette. "His name's Louis."

"That's cool." I said, beginning to walk away.

"Wait!" He said, grabbing my hand, alarming me. I gave him a questioning look. "Do you go to school in this area?"

"If you're talking about Hearst, then yeah." I responded.

"My family just moved here from California, but I knew Louis from this summer camp I was going to.. but anyway I guess I'll see you around..?"


"Lucy, okay. I'm Niall."

I smiled at him as he walked away, returning to his friends who he instantly started laughing with, leaving me to venture into my own curiosities.

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