Take Flight.

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Gracey P.O.V

" Hey Girls Wake up." Jake said

" I'm up. I'm up" Lynn said as I'm rubbing my eyes.

" You up Gracey?" Jake said.

" Yeah." I mumbled

"  Good Cause we're here." Jake said.

" Okay c'mon guys let's go." Lynn said

As we got out I saw pierce the veil pull up I heard them yell  "ROADIES" I couldn't help but laugh. " Hey Gracey I have to talk to you"  Kellin yelled. " Yeah sure!" I said looking back at Vic waving hi at me I waved back with a small smile. And walked to Kellin who was waiting for me I grabbed his hand that was waiting for me to hold. " So what's up? " I asked Kellin. " You really need to talk to Vic soon he'll find girl and you need to be the one he will hold in his arms the one he kiss in the morning the one that will say ' I love you' " Kellin said. " Yeah " I mumbled  I saw Lynn walk in with Mike laughing.

" Hey Gracey! " Mike said waving his hand.

" Hey! How the hell are ya" I said

" Good what about you!?" Mike asked

" I'm alright but don't worry about. YOU READY FOR TOUR!" I yelled

" HELL YEAH" Mike yelled

We all laughed.

Vic passed by sighing but also rolling his eyes at us.

"Plane 203 for LA , California"
We  heard

" That's us! " We said I went over to our band. "You ready guys!?" Lynn asked. "Ready than I'll ever be!" I said. " Same " Jake said " Same as fuck " Kellin said we all laughed.



"Who  are you sitting next to" Kellin asked Gracey." Nobody why!?" Gracey asked Kellin. " Can I sit next to you!?" Kellin asked. " Sure " Gracey responded.
I'm gonna be honest I have thing for Gracey she has beautiful tattoos and Long black hair. She seems to be dating Kellin! Kellin is a very good looking guy and he's nice so I bet they won't break up ever I lost my chance with her. I hate seeing her flirt and talk to guys it just Idk how to explain. 
" Vic you alright buddy!?" Tony asked " Yeah man." I said  " I'm gonna sit Here okay." Tony said sitting behind me. " Hey is anyone sitting here!?" A blonde girl said looking at me. " um.. No one is sitting here!" I said I'm not  interested but still I'm not gonna say that she can't sit here.
" Okay mind if I sit here!?" She asked flipping her hair.
" No go ahead " I said standin fsaid er to sit.
" Thanks she said." Biting her lip.


" who are you sitting next to!?" Kellin asked me." Nobody why!?" I asked " Can I sit here!?" Kellin asked " Sure." I said " Did you talk to him!?" Kellin said. " No I talked to mike and when he passed us he sighed and rolled his eyes. " I told him. " What were you doing when he  passed y'all!?" He asked " Laughing?" I said with a confused tone.  " that's why" he said. " oh.." I said " But it looks like he found a girl" I said pointing at Vic and some shitty blonde girl who was totally flirting with him. " Oh shit!" Kellin said. " It's fine I'll just sleep and not worry about him!" I told Kellin
" Alright goodnight beauty." Kellin. Said kissing my forehead.
" Goodnight." I said kissing his hand.

I'm just gonna say the trutht I love Lynn and Gracey Like crazy. I love them as if they were my sister hell like they were my children I won't let anyone hurt them. If Vic thinks that he can break my little girls heart then him and I are gonna have a talk. But only if Gracey let's me.
" Did you talk to him!?" I asked Gracey. "No I talked to Mike but when he passed us he sighed and rolled his eyes." She said. "What were y'all doing when he passed y'all!?" I asked. " Laughing?" She said in a confused. " That's why" I said " oh.." She said " But it  looks like he found a girl." She said pointing at some blonde slut that was flirting with Vic. All I could think of saying at the moment was
" Oh shit!" I said  " It's fine, I'll just sleep and not worry about him." She said leaning into my chest. " Alright goodnight beauty" I said  kissing her forehead I'm glad she put her head in my chest because I was about to beat the shit out Vic.
" Goodnight" she said kissing my hand.

"Hey Kellin it's fine Vic just told Mike he wasn't interested with the girl she just asked to sit there; and he didn't want to be rude. So he isn't gonna date her tell Gracey to calm down." I got a text from Lynn.
Thank god she text cause Now I can clam down.

" Um she's asleep but when she wakes up I'll tell her and good she was staring to tense up. Thanks anyway I'm tired so goodnight LynnI texted her back.

" Alright goodnight kells"
Lynn texted I shut my phone and noticed that Gracey was freezing cold so I grabbed her blanket and put it on her softly so she couldn't wake up. I grabbed my blanket and her pillow I put the pillow on her back so she could lean back if she wanted. I leaned my head on her head and fell asleep.


I woke up to Kellins head leaned on mine I grabbed my pillow and put it on a little table for him to sleep. I moved his head lightly. He didn't wake up I looked over to vic he was asleep and the girl was in 2 seats in front of him. He then woke up and looked over at me I looked away and looked at Kellin who was snoring quietly I couldn't help but smile I brushed his hair back and forth and softly. I looked at Vic to see him yanking on his hair and gripping his shirt tightly. I love Kellin like my dad or brother. He always protected me and Lynn he quit the band " Sleeping With Sirens" after ' Live And Unplugged ' came out.  He said that there was a lot of drama so He quit. He said that he still loved being in a band so he saw that we wanted a singer in the band so he audition and he said that he played a bit of guitar. He joined.

After that flashback a lady asked me if I wanted anything I said 2 waters, 2 bags of chips and 2 protein bars. I ordered for me and Kellin.  He woke up shortly after she came back with what I wanted.
"Is this all for you!? " Kellin asked.
" Nope it's for us." I said smiling
" Haha okay." He replied
" Hey Kellin did you sleep well!?" Lynn said
" Yeah where's Jake!?" Kellin asked
" he's with Jaime" Lynn said.
" Okay,  did you sleep or Mike!?" Kellin said.
" Mike's up!?" Vic asked
" Yeah bro. What do you want!? " mike asked .
" Nothing" Vic said.
" Yeah me and Mike slept!" Lynn said .
" okay. Did anyone else sleep!?  Kellin asked.

" yeah!" Jaime, Tony, Jake , Vic said.

"When did you sleep!?" Kellin asked Vic.

" 15 minutes till y'all slept." Vic said.

" Okay " Lynn said.

" Hey Gracey I need to tell you something" Kellin said.

" okay what!?" I said

" You know that blonde yesturday well Vic isn't interested in her" he whispered
" oh okay I'll talk to him later." I said
" alright" he said louder this time I hugged him andlooked at Lynn. She smiled I smiled back I looked at Vic as he got up yanking his hair and go into the bathroom. I asked Kellin if he could switch spots with Lynn he did.

A bit better but I'm glad someone voted on my last chapter it means so much. :) thanks! So I'm taking requestDm me on here or instagram. Hope you enjoy! :)

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Pierce. The. Misadventures

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