Twist and turns

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Lynn's P.O.V
" What happened?" I asked Gracey. " Vic I can't talk to him 1) he's mad at me Idk why. 2) I'm nervous as fuck. " Gracey said. " Well than ask why he's mad." I said. " Ha sure but he's asleep." Gracey said while I looked over at vic peacefully asleep. " VIC YO MAN WAKE UP!" I yelled " What the fuck Lynn!?" Gracey said while punching me. " What the hell do you want!!" Vic said VERY VERY madly. " Nothing never mind. " I said " Okay I'm going to sleep." Gracey said holding back tears. " Wait why are you crying!?" Kellin asked lightly
" Nothing I'm fine now." Gracey said she did sound better. " okay, tell me if you need anything." Kellin said
" You have to tell me why you were crying." I said " I was stupid and crying about Vic it doesn't matter anymore." She said looking at the window. " WE'RE HERE!!" mike yelled. " YAS!!" Gracey yelled
" Wooo" I yelled lightly. Everyone else stayed quite Vic was rolling his eyes. " WHAT THE FUCK VIC!?" I yelled " WHAT!?" He yelled back. " FIRST YOU SIGH AND ROLL YOUR EYES NOW THIS GODAMN BITCH" I yell and spammed him. " LISTEN HERE ASSWHOLE IT'S NOT MY FAULT Y'ALL ARE DRUNK WASTED PEOPLE." Vic yelled " IF YOU THINK THAT SAY IT TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF EACH OTHER'S FACE BOY!!" I yelled " I WON'T DO ANYTHING CAUSE I'M NOT LIKE THAT!" VIC yelled " WHATEVER SHIT HEAD" I yelled back " Fuck you!" He said " Hell no!' I said
" Okay Shut up And get ready I see a airport." Gracey said " Alright Shut up." I said while we both laugh.


After our fight! With Lynn in Vic. I saw the airport we just got off the plane right now we're waiting for our cars to arrive.
" Dude hey Gracey!?" I heard Jamie say. " Hey!" I said ". Lynn came with Kellin , mike and Jake to me.
" Guys we have something to tell y'all it's good news." Mike and Lynn said. "Okay what!?" I said
" WE'RE DATING!" They said at the same time " awww congrats " I said
" Thanks " they said. " dude take care of my little girl you hurt her I will destroy you!" Kellin said " Do you want him to break up with her!?" I asked " No sorry I'm just very protective !" He said putting around me and Lynn soon letting go of Lynn hugging her and saying " Mike and you are gonna be happy!" He said looking at mike. " Thanks we should get going we have to get a lot of rest a big day tomorrow. " mike said kissing Lynn goodbye
* chough over protective cough *
Kellin said. " Haha okay bye guys!" Mike said. " Bye..." We said

Night time 🌙 6:15

"Guys I'm gonna sleep I want to be fully rested." I said

" Same Goodnight" they all said.

" Goodnight!" I said covering myself with blankets.

" goodnight sweet dreams." Lynn said

We all fell asleep

RING!! RING!! RING!!.....
KELLIN FELL OUT OF BED. Lynn pulled the covers. Jake shut it off and put a pillow over his face.
I got up and took a shower I got ready for the day I went to grab my makeup after putting on my clothes. " Are we gonna eat breakfast here!?" Lynn asked as I got out of the bathroom. " Do you want to eat at Denny's!?" I asked
"Sure" she replied we went out to eat but we kept getting asked for photos autographs so we left quickly. " Where were you guys!? I was worried sick!?" Kellin said
" And I'm hungry " Jake said and we laughed. We brought them some food for breakfast so we were in the bus for like an hour and a half.
" Okay let's go we have the show in 3 hours." I said. Me and Lynn woke up a 9:00 am. Idk about them!? And we have a show at 11:30 am.
" All the equipment is there. Right!?" Lynn said " Yeah! They shipped it there." Jake Said. "Okay let's go then!" Lynn said I grabbed my phone and got off. Behind me there was Kellin, Lynn and Jake was the first off. " I'm gonna check who's going first ptv or us. " jake said.
" I'm gonna find Mike." Lynn said

" There's All time low." Kellin said I don't know them cause we're a new band but Kellin knew because of sleeping with sirens. I was scared so I hugged Kellin tighter someone came closer to me. Kellin put his arm around me and whispered in my ear " Hey , it's fine these are all band members were like a family." I just nodded. " Hey , Kellin who's the pretty lady." Someone with brown short hair. I think he's form all time low!? . " Hey Alex this is Gracey my new band member. Didn't you remember sws broke up!? " Kellin said. I could feel his tensed up so I hugged him tighter he just looked at me and smiled he asked Me why I was shaking well to be honest I'm wearing small crop top and it's cold in the morning. And I didn't bring a coat , jacket, sweatshirt. Anything like that to tour "I'm cold." I said to Kellin he pulled me closer into his chest he was really warm. " Or do you want my coat!?" Kellin asked. " I'm fine it's my fault for wearing a crop top." I said " Are y'all dating!?" Alex asked. " No. I just love her like sister or a daughter." Kellin said. " Oh it looks like it." Alex said " Does it!? I thought people knew he's protective of me and Lynn!?" I said " Well you are one of the most hated people on instagram or any Social Media right now." Alex said taking his phone out

How the hell does she get to be with Kellin?!

What a slut. She made sws break up!

Did she make Kellin be in the band!?

All her songs are probably sws album ideas.

Is she really gonna go with ptv on tour poor ptv ( tags all ptv)

Fuck her
( reply ) " ew hell no"

I was about to be in tears but I'm not I really shouldn't be in tears. Is the really the only reason Kellin hangs out with me so he can protect me!? " So you only hang out with me so I won't get hurt!?" I asked. " No. I hang out with you because you are so funny, you can act crazy and you won't care what people say, you're beautiful , you're fun. You are a free spirit!
" Beautiful girl leave the shit behind. And come back to fly! " ( MY LYRICS don't steal.) "Did you really quote one of our songs!?" I said laughing
" Yeah! You said that . This is for everyone who over thinks about everything. And how come back to fly means you are ready to live the life that will be above those people who hate and betray you." Kellin said I hugged him in tears. " This is why people think y'all are dating but awww it's so cute! " alex said " Are you a girl at sometimes?" I asked.
" Haha no it's just this and how Kellin quoted the song called
" The Beautiful" "! " You know that song!?" I asked. " I know you're band." Alex said reaching into a hug. I let go of Kellin damn was I cold. And hugged Alex. " Aw I feel bad I barley know y'all ." I said backing up from the hug. " Don't be we listen to y'alls albums the whole way here since we got to the car on our way to the airport." Alex said. " Dude that means so much.
What album do recommend for me to listen." I asked alex.
" FUTURE HEARTS!" Alex yelled picking me up I laughed
" Okay favorite song!?" I said
While he put me down.
" Therapy" he said
" Okay, We are gonna get ready so see ya later ." I said waving.

" Bye Gracey and Kellin! YALL ARE GONNA KILL IT!!" he yelled

" THANKS." Me and Kellin yelled

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