Role that music plays in different Ages!

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A child
Music can make an infant realise the magnificence of the world.
A child can understand this adorable nature and notice a rhythm in every single phenomenon that takes place.

A Teen
Hearing to music everyday can help a teenager overcome stress at the stage of adolescence. It can help them better, concentrate on subjects and areas they need to work on.
It may help them relax and find the state of peace that every adolescent requires
It may help them avoid over thinking and would encourage positivity.

At the age of 20, a person starts realising what actually life is. At this age ,every individual becomes independent and parents stop pampering their kids. They actually become aware of their responsibilities. So, most people start facing difficulties. This may even result in depressional state.
So music can help you get out if it.

Old age

This is the most solitary and silent phase of your life.
Here music becomes your best friend. It becomes your life.

Isn't it interesting??

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