No. 1

108 13 3

"Rachel darling!" Grandma yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah Nan?!" I shouted loud enough for her to hear.

"Come down here please! I need help with cleaning!" She cooed sweetly. I sighed, turning off my phone, sprinting down the creaky old wooden steps and into the rustic kitchen she was in.

"What do you need help with?" I panted.

"I need help arranging while I clean. I know you have an eye on those interior designing and such. You're style is quite nice aswell, so that will help" She smiled.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Nan, the only time you ask me to arrange things is if people are coming over or something." I placed my hand on my hip.

"Who's coming here? There's no neighbors for miles and miles away" I told her as I started with the living room.

"Well, there is one person coming" She shook her head in acknowledgement.


"To live here for a while"

I stopped putting succulents on the coffee table and shot up.

"Nan, why is there going to be someone living here?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Because their mother made them. You know Margaret, right?" She asked as she started putting dishes up.

"Um, no I don't" I said truthfully and put throw pillows onto the couch.

"Okay, well one of her children is coming to live here to calm themselves because they have been misbehaving a lot lately and Margaret thinks that it's best to spend the summer here!" She exclaimed. I nodded and quietly did my thing. I guess it's good to have another person on this farm. I mean it's only ever me and my grandma, and occasionally the delivery guy who delivers our groceries when my grandma doesn't want to go out.

I had to start living with grandma when I was around the age of 14. It was because my mom had moved away to live with her terrible boyfriend and didn't want me anymore. I'm 17 now, almost 18, and is still living with her. I want to leave this place and head back to my home in Cali, but I also don't want to leave her for obvious reasons. I don't want her to die all alone honestly. Papa Joe, my grandfather, died two years ago and granny has never really been the same. She lost the absolute love of her life. Can you believe that they were together for fifty years? Yeah, they were high school sweethearts. I always look up to her story on how she met him. It sounded so perfect and amazing.

Anyways, even if that person might be trouble or terrible, I'd love to finally have a friend on this big farm.

"They are coming any minute now darling!" Grandma rushed to the front door. I straightened myself out and headed to the door.

"Let's go wait at the barn, okay?" I nodded as we got to the porch and walked to the barn.

A few hours past and no one came. The sun was setting by now. Beautiful shades of orange, pink, and purple mashed through the sky like watercolours.

"Um, Grandma?" I finally sat down on a hay-bale.

"I know dear, I know. I don't understand. They should have been here hours ago!" She threw her hands in the air and exhaled deeply. I sighed and put my hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay Nan, maybe they're coming tomorrow." I smiled.

"I guess.. Let's go inside and make dinner now, okay?" She smiled sweetly.

"Sure thing!" I beamed and walked into the farm house with her.

"Dinner's delicious as always!" I chirped.

"Well thank you dear,". She turned on the TV that was in the living room. Thank God that there is cable and internet in this house or I don't know what I would do!

"I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower, don't watch that movie without me!" I affirmed as I headed up the creaky steps.

"Good night dear" Grandma said before heading into her room.

"Night Grandma!" I quietly shouted before shutting my bedroom door. I turned around and looked at my very clean room. I'm very pleased with how I cleaned it. My white bed was straight and in the center of my room. There was a little coffee table at the end of the bed and a nightstand on the left side of the bed. I had a wooden desk on the right side with a lamp and some stationary stuff.

I turned off the lights in my room, except for my lamps and hopped into my bed. I scrolled through my phone and texted all of my friends back in California. I still keep in touch and FaceTime, but I feel like it's not the same.

The moon found its way through my window and casted moonlight through my entire room. I looked out the window as I sat on my bed and sighed happiness and exhaustion. I love living here. I mean, feeding the pigs and cows aren't fun, but whatever. The moon shined beautifully with all of the stars in place. Sometimes I like to look out the window and look at the stars, making wishes even though they aren't shooting stars. I would make wishes that wouldn't ever come true. I still remember each and every star with every wish I wished upon.

There were many things I wished about, such as:

-Wishing my mother wouldn't leave me
-Wishing Dad never died
-Wishing that my best friend, the one I fell in love with, never broke my heart and date someone who wasn't me.
-Wishing Dad was still alive
-Wishing for happiness

There were many things I wished for. I wished every one of them would come true, but they didn't.

I sighed, letting the deafening silence fill the room, choking me.

I looked out the window again, staring at one specific star that shone the brightest any star I've ever seen had.

I wish for someone to keep my company, someone who will truly make me happy.

I shut my eyes and sat on my bed, wishing and wishing.

Well, that was until I heard a loud thud downstairs.

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