Chapter Eleven - Killed, Burnt, Destroyed a Whole City

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This is it, thought Alex, this is what death feels like. It felt weird, wonderful even and definitely peaceful. No more running, fear or lies. It was like heaven, she told herself, a sanctuary where nobody could find her. But that would be lying, she told herself, because even though this felt like death, she still had a long way to go before that dream could come true.

'Get up!' a voice barked into her ear. She was in the Underground Palace. Alex felt weak, pathetic and every muscle in her body ached.

'Get up, I said!' Alex immediately opened her eyes but regretted it instantly.  Everything was spinning and she thought she was going to vomit again.  And she did.  This time ontop of her hands and in her hair.  She felt like she had been to hell and back.  Where was she? Still in the Underground Palace, but this time in a cellar she could name her own? Maybe she was tied down to a chair, exactly like Kirsty and Neo had been? But no. As her eyes slowly focused, Alex saw that she hadn't even been moved. She was in the same corridor she fell unconscious in, this time though, without the bodies surrounding her.

'Finally,' continued the voice, 'now stand.'  Shifting her head a little to the right, Alex saw Marco sitting on a wooden chair only a few inches away.  A part of her vomit was on his shoes.  His face was distorted with anger and frustration.  'I said stand!' Marco yelled, clenching his fists.

Alex shakily rose to her feet.  Marco he looked bigger, scarier in real life.  For some reason he looked thoroughly pissed off.  If her eyes could focus a little more, Alex wouldn't be surprised to find steam blowing out from his ears.  Feeling lightheaded, Alex placed her cool fingertips to her head, only to feel something sticky.  She withdrew her fingers and saw blood.  

'Good girl,' remarked the Ruler of Evil, and he stood up from his chair. 'Now, you need to listen very carefully to what I'm about to say and obey my orders.'  He stepped forward and circled around Alex.  He stood behind her and Alex scrunched her eyes together in fear.  He leaned forward and placed his lips millimetres from her ear.  'I want you to run.  I want you to turn round and crawl back to your pathetic little father and never return to my palace or I will gut your stomach and feed your intestines to my dogs.'  A tear rolled down Alex's cheeks.  Relief, then sadness, then dread washed over her.  It was a trick.  A lie.

'I don't want to play your games,' she whispered back.  Marco softly laughed, his breath trickled down her neck.

'Now, now, Alexandra. I know that little power of yours allows you to read through lies as easily as I can cause you a lot of pain.'  Alex bit down on her lip and spun round to face Marco, his face showed a little amusement.  

'Why would you let me go?' she asked.

'Did your mother ever tell you that children should be seen but not heard?'

'Did your mother ever tell you to not kill innocent children?' demanded Alex, then stopped herself.  It just blurted out of her mouth before she could think.  Marco's patience was thinning to a deadly level.  

'I will say it one more time and not again.  Leave my palace now and do not ever return.'

'No!' spat Alex.  'You will tell me why you want me gone!  What trick do you have up your sleeve?  Why do you want the Seven Children?  What have we done to deserve this?'  Marco screamed through his teeth and shoved Alex backwards with tremendous force.  She fell backwards and smashed into the wooden chair.  The legs snapped and splinters of wood went through her arm.  As she went to cradle her arm, a foot flew through the air and landed deep in Alex's ribs.

'Please!' cried Alex through her tears.  Marco kicked once, then twice more.  Alex coward in a tight ball, protecting her stomach.  She force herself to breath even though it hurt to do so.  Marco stepped forward and leered down at her.

'I had heard rumours but never believed them,' he started, 'Susan never told you anything of this world, of your powers, and of me.  She was a fool.  And yet, you owe your freedom to her.'  Alex peered up at Marco through a gap under her arm.  What?  

'You filthy scumbag children have already burnt, killed and destroyed a whole city.  Those who have high standards for the Seven Children, turn away from the rumours and ignore the truth. But in due time Alex, you will understand. We all will understand.'  Marco took a step back and looked down at Alex with disgust.  'Now go, take your pathetic self back to your family and never return to this place or I will kill you, do you understand?' Alex nodded and cried at the pain she felt as she forced her body to move and get up.  Every joint in her body felt like it was on fire.  Marco watched her slowly stand to her feet with her shoulders hunched forward and head hung low.  She looked defeated.

'I believe you know your way through my tunnels,' stated Marco.  Alex nodded.

'Good.  You have three minutes to remove yourself from my property or I might just change my mind.'  Immediately Alex shuffled backwards a few feet until she gathered the energy and spun round.  She ran off with a limp and gasps of pain at every breath.

'Don't do anything I wouldn't do!' Marco called out.


Let me know what your theories are!  Why does Marco not want Alex?

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