Chapter Twenty-Two - The Throne Room

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Deep inside the centre of the Underground Palace, the festivities were starting.  Families of superior rank had flown in from all over the world to witness the rise and fall of the Seven Children.  Marco had promised them a spectacular show and a spectacular show they shall receive.

The throne room was as large as a school assembly hall but the shape of a circle.  The walls arched out only to curve back in near the ceiling like a sphere.  Just like a theatre, the throne room had a dress circle, then an upper level and even an upper upper level.  Every seat was occupied.  Men laughed, women gossiped and children stuffed their mouths with popcorn.  Every attendee was loyal to Marco.  He was their Ruler.  He was their God.

In the centre of the room sat seven golden thrones in a circle.  Each throne stood on a platform of marble.  They looked magnificent.  Carved with exquisite symbols they were the definition of beauty.

'Ladies and gentlemen,' boomed a voice, 'may I present to you ... the Seven Children!'

A door on the ground floor opened and immediately the crowd hissed and booed.  Out marched the Seven Children, each escorted by at least two burly looked guards.  They fought tooth and nail but the guards' strength was unhumanlike.  Each child was dragged to a throne.  They screamed and kicked and whimpered in fear.  The crowd shouted obscene words at the children then clapped and cheered when all children were finally shackled and constrained to a throne each.

 Alex blinked away the tears and looked up into the snarling horrific crowd.  They were all insane.  They too believed the Seven Children did not deserve to live.  Alex thought of her brother and could immediately sense that he was somewhere in the room.  She searched through the crowd but couldn't see him.  But really, what could her brother do?  Nothing.  The Seven Children were done for.  Alex looked at Oliver who had his eyes shut and seemed to be praying.  Glen was staring at her.  He looked so scared.  Alex could see how desperate he was to teleport to her side and disappear out of this place to another land far far away but a knife held at her neck from one of the guards stopped him.

Finally Marco stepped into the room.  He swaggered forward obviously proud of himself and raised his arms out to the crowd.  Everyone went wild.  They cheered for him, whistled, clapped and smiled.  He was their Ruler, their saviour.  Marco's eyes connected with Alex and she couldn't help but gulp in fear.  The pact was forgotten.

'Ladies and gentlemen from all four corners of this world,' started Marco, 'I would like to thank you for coming here tonight.  Tonight marks a very special night.  For centuaries we have been waiting.  You have all heard the prophecy, these children cannot be trusted to lead our community!'  Once again the crowd went wild.  They stamped their feet, clapped and chanted in agreement.

Alex closed her eyes and wished she was dead already.  She wanted Glen to use his power so the man next to her would slit her throat.  She wanted Oliver to throw a fireball at her so she could die like her father had.  Alex wondered what the time was, if it was nearly midnight yet and immediately her power answered her - 11.50pm.  She had ten more minutes until she would turn 16.  Until she became a Ruler of All Good and Evil.  Until she was dead.

Marco clicked his fingers and a servant appeared from behind a pillar with a wooden box lined with velvet.  Inside the Adrian Knife sat polished and ready for death.  The crowd gasped.  They all leaned forward to get a better look.  

Marco sneered and carefully wrapped his fingers around the hilt of the knife and lifted it out of the box.  The entire hall inhaled as it admired its beauty.

'And now,' declared Marco.  'It is time for the Seven Children's fate to be sealed with blood!  The crowd roared with excitement.  Marco stepped forward and eyed each of the children in turn.  He stepped inside the circle and faced Alex.  His eyes danced with excitement.

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