Basic Character Info and The Prologue

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At the End of the Basic Character info and the Prologue is an Author's note. If you could please read it, I'd greatly appreciate it. Hope you enjoy! This chapter is unedited.

Basic Character Info:

Bella Sapphire: The main heroine. She just turned 18, her left eye is green while her right eye is more of a hazel blue. She has brown, cruelly hair like her father and is the forth eldest child of David and Elizabeth.

David Sapphire: Bella's father. He had Elizabeth II, Jack and John (twin boys), Bella, Ceaser, and Anna with his wife Elizabeth before she went missing. He would do anything to protect his family, especially Bella who reminds him so much of his mother.

Elizabeth II Sapphire: Bella's older sister. She is currently 22. Elizabeth was named after her mother and also takes in looks after her mother. She has green eyes and long Straight hair. From an early age she loved Julius and wanted to be his wife. So her parents held her when she turned 16 by putting her in noble classes and bride training classes.

Jack and John Sapphire: They are 20 and identical twin boys. John is oldest by 15 minutes although this doesn't bother Jack because they are so close. They're very protective of their sisters. Although they find it hard to protect Elizabeth II because she goes out and looks for danger, trying to catch the eye of Julius as more than a fling.

Anna Sapphire: She is the youngest of the Sapphire child and never got a chance to meet her mother Elizabeth. All she knows is that her mom went missing right after she was born. She's quiet most of the time, prefers to keep to herself. She like all her other sibling, with the exception of Elizabeth II, look more like their father. Thankfully all the girls though got their mother's softer facial features. Anna is only 16 years old.

Sir Julius Admire: A nobleman who fought in the war. He knew the Sapphire children growing up. Being only a year older than Elizabeth II. When he was five Bella was born and he knew he wanted to marry her the moment he laid eyes on her.

Andrew: He is Julius right hand man. Andrew has broken the law more than once for Julius Admire and still has yet to be caught.

Dante (nickname Demon) Evernight: Dante is his real name, although no one would ever know it with him being allowed out so little and now only referred to as The Beast.

Daniel: A curse placed on Dante by his sister Elisha. She wanted him to be weak, to feel pain, to be trapped.

Elisha Evernight: Dante's elder sister. She blames him for the death of their parents. Placing a curse on him she now calls him Daniel or Demon (When The Beast is out). She refuses to use his real name. Most of the time when she comes for a visit she likes to taunt him, telling him he'll never be in his true body again because who could love him?


David (Bella's father) P.O.V

Two Weeks ago.

Hearing a knocking on the door I got up to answer it, glancing down at my watch Today is Bella's 18th birthday so I'm holding a grand party, although it's a little early for the guest to start arriving.

"Who is it?" I called out putting my hand on the knob of the door.

"It's Julius Admire." A voice I wasn't too familiar responded.

Cracking open on the door I looked out and down. There standing on my porch was Andrew, with Julius behind him. "What can I do for you gentlemen today?"

"Aren't you going to invite us in, David?" Julius apoke up from behind his clown.

"The ladies are still setting up the house," I began, "it would not be proper for me to let you in before they are done." Glancing back over my shoulder I smiled at my oldest daughter Elizabeth II. Motioning her over with my hand that was hidden by the door. Elizabeth went to put down what she was working on before coming over stand behind me.

"Hello Julius. I wasn't aware you would be stopping over so early, let me go grab me coat and you can take me out like you promised. I still need to get Bella a gift." Elizabeth quickly left to go fetch her coat.

Julius shook his head on me." David, David, David... You know that's not why I'm here. I want Bella, and seeing as today is her birthday she is now legal to marry." He spoke with a tone that told me this was final.

"No. My wife and I promised Elizabeth to you, least I remind you your parents agreed. You shall not have Bella as your bride Julius, ever." I kept my voice low.

We heard footsteps coming down the stairs so I glance back and saw Elizabeth II returning with her coat on. Walking up to me first she placed a kiss on my cheek. "I love you Papa, and I'll return as soon as I find a gist for my precious baby sister." Turning from me she open the door and put her arm though Julius waiting one.

"Hello my love." He spoke and place a kiss upon her cheek. "Let's go see what we can find for your sister, yes?"

"I'd much love that. Thank you Julius."

I watched them walk away, knowing that I'd need find a safe place for Bella because Julius would never give up on getting her. Although I would never understand why, Elizabeth is badly in love with him and would do anything to be with him.

Bella's P.O.V

Present day:

My head was killing me, the pounding just would not stop. The floor I am laying on felt hard and uneven, it was also cold. "What could this be? Where am I?" I didn't know how to answer this things. In the distance I heard water slowly, and softly dripping. Groaning I would try to move but before that happens the darkness pulls me back under. MY last thought before I fade out is "I wonder where I am?"

Author's Note

Hello everyone! Sorry I've been away for so long. I'm going to start actually rewriting this story. I have a clear end in mind now. There are going to be some changes to the book. I hope the changes make it easier to understand and follow. I'm also going to not be doing as many point of views(p.o.v) in the chapters anymore. It gets rather confusing and can be hard to follow with all the jumping around. The main point of views I'll be trying to write in our Bella's, Dante/Daniel, and Sir Julius. Occasionally I'll write in David's p.o.v, Elizabeth's, Elisha's, and I have a few surprise p.o.v for the future. I'm going to try to rewrite and update a chapter a day of the chapters already out. I hope you can enjoy this story and thank you for reading.


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