Chapter 2 - New Moon part 1

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Bella's P.O.V

I was deeper in the forest then I had been before, at least it felt that way. It was darker here very little sunlight made its way through the thick, gray, dead looking leaf's of the trees. Honestly I had gotten used to living here, the fruit was still terrible and the deeper I went the worse it got. I couldn't tell you why I was going so deep into the forest, it just felt like something was calling my name. Sometimes I thought it was the wind guiding me deeper and sometimes I thought I saw a woman in a black, flowy dress. A couple times I thought I saw a man, he was rather large, yet he was never there for more than a moment. I chalked him up to be a figment of my imagination. I just wanted someone to talk to, anyone. It felt like I had been here for months, and without books or people to keep me company I figured I was slowly losing my mind. That's why I thought I saw those two overly mysterious people and I think that's why I went deeper into the forest. The rumors that I could remember about this place said the deeper you went the more you lost your mind.

Julius's P.O.V

We had been at her Aunt's house for a little two months now. Elizabeth is beside herself with worry over Bella and there isn't really anything I can do about it. I was supposed to have Bella as my wife already yet there wasn't any sign of her carriage on our way here and we had been searching the city and local woods since we had arrived.

"Mary, I'll ask you again, you're sure Bella left on the main road home?" The anger was clear in my voice.

"Yes Sir Julius. Henry and myself saw her off. She was excited to get home although..."

"She did not know your plans. Does Elizabeth yet know?" Henry spoke up as he pulled his wife into his lap to nuzzle her cheek.

"Why would she know? And I'm still curious how you came to know Sir Henry, care to enlighten me?" I tapped my finger against their wooden table.

"I have my connections Sir Julius, that not even you yourself have. Nor will you ever find them." Shaking his head at me he stood up, pulling his wife up with him. "Now if you will kindly excuse us we must be off. I have a business deal then I am meeting with the police once more to see if they have found anything on my niece. If you wish to stay do make yourself useful and continue with the search Sir Julius Admire or you can take yourself home along with Elizabeth, your future wife." Turning he left me alone.

Growling and stood up quickly and grabbed my coat to go out and look for Bella once more. It was a new moon tonight so there would be nothing we could do once night fell.


"No luck Future Husband?" Elizabeth asked as she greeted me with a kiss on my cheek.

"No, unfortunately not. And the sun is too far set for us to continue to look." I pulled her in closely, returning her greeting. "We start again tomorrow. Although I fear she isn't in the area any longer and can't help but fear the worst."

"Don't speak such ill things Julius. We shall find her." I looked over her head as I saw Andrew enter. Stepping back I released Elizabeth, I heard her sigh. "What can I do for you Andrew?" I step passed Elizabeth and towards Andrew.

"I've been thinking Boss, what if Bella is in the Dark Forest?"

"How would she have gotten there Andrew? That forest isn't even close to the main road and is miles upon miles from her home. It would take a half day to even get there from her home." My eyebrow twitched in irritation.

"It was just a thought boss." He put his hands up.

"Yeah a stupid one." I sensed Elizabeth before I felt her, her hand coming to rest on my shoulder. "He is just trying to help Julius, just like the rest of us. Why don't you go bath and I'll help Aunt Mary and the maids with dinner so it's ready by the time you are done?"

"That's a wonderful idea and that is what I'll do." Making my way up to my room I can smell the bath water. It was steaming and looked so refreshing. Getting undressed I slip into the steaming hot water. My thoughts on Bella and where she could be.

Daniel's P.O.V

"Master!" The young maid called as her shadow figure made its way to me. "I have prepared your meal of the evening before the New Moon rises in the sky. The dungeon has been prepared and the chains are all in place." She held out the a change of clothes for me.

"Thank you. I shall go eat, bath, and change. Tell one of the men to meet me in the dungeon. Hopefully it's enough to keep me this time." Nodding her head she left, she shadow form fading into the dark walls again to be seen again when needed.

With a shake of my head I made my way to the dining hall to join the shadow figures that had already begun to eat their dinner. They greeted me as I sat down to eat. The maids here knew how to cook well for people who could no longer taste food. It was odd, we weren't quit stuck in time but time did move more slowly here and in the Dark Forest that surrounded this castle for miles upon miles.

At the start of the forest time moved normally but the deeper a person got the slower it moved. That was all thanks to the person who called herself my sister. She put a curse on all things in the kingdom that I loved all because she blamed me for the death of our parents. I would never understand why, she never told me. They died when I was young and when she finally thought I was old enough she put this curse on me.

Shaking my head to clear my thought's I finished my food then stood to make my way to my bed chambers. It was time to wash, change, and go to the dungeon. That part never took me to long yet I always took my time on my way the the dungeon. I didn't like being chained up and I never wake in the dungeon's at the rise of the sun. It was always in the grass of my yard, the bed I usually slept in, on a branch of a tree, or some other location. Most of the time my body ached after I awoke after the new moon. Taking a deep breathe I made my way down to be chained, trying to trap the curse my sister had put on me.

"Are you ready Master?" The shadow men asked.

"Yes." Getting now on my knees I got into position for them to bind me. Closing my eyes I took in deep, calming breaths. I always hated this part but my servants looked like they enjoyed it so much. Although I couldn't see their faces it was a feeling I got from them nonetheless. They put the cuffs on me and wrapped me in the chains.

"Sleep now Master and you shall awake here in the morning." The female maid come in to give me my sleeping drink. "It'll all be over soon." Her voice faded as I fell into a deep sleep.

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