Markimoo: Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack

Markimoo: Jackaboy

Markimoo: Answer me you asshole!

Jackaboy: Dude I'm fucking sleeping!

Markimoo: Well stop fucking sleeping you idiot!!

Jackaboy: What the flying fuck do you want Mark? -_-

Markimoo: I'm going to Playlist Live!!

Jackaboy: That's great Mark, but you couldn't wait till morning to tell me that? .-.

Markimoo: Nope! ^-^

Jackaboy: You're an ass -_- I'm going back to bed, have fun at Playlist Live

Markimoo: Wanna know the best part? I can take you with me!!!!

Jackaboy: ARE YOU SERIOUS???

Markimoo: I thought you were asleep? 😏

Jackaboy: Shut the fuck up and let me be happy!

Markimoo: I can't wait to see you in person!!! You must be really attractive!!

Jackaboy: ....uh what?

Markimoo: What? Uh.....nothing.... Gtg bye!!!

Jackaboy: Mark? Ugh fine I guess we'll talk about this later -_- ///__\\\

A/n Ohhhhh O_O shit got realllllll!!!! REAL FLUFFY! XD I'm thinking of having Dan and Phil have an appearance in here, at least at Playlist Live. Small talk :) Mark and Jack getting to know other YouTubers! Other YouTubers will make appearances too!! Dont worry! I guess comment what YouTubers you think should make an appearance! ;) (idk what this is, I'm trying to be more interactive with you guys....just go with it) Also, I changed my mind about ending Flatmates, I'm getting more ideas, and I'm also getting ideas about new stories! :) I hope you're looking forward to it, I know I am! I'll talk to you all again in the next chapter!!! Bye guys!!! :) (ignore the happy faces, I'm in a really good mood, something AMAZING happened a few days ago!! ;) shhh its a secret XD)

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