Chapter 7

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Said Queen Ravenna with evil and victory in her heart. Little did she know Iceis was coming up behind her, and little Elizabeth had a little trick up her sleeve that no one knew of. "Are you sure of that sister?" Ices said as she grabbed Ravenna by the neck and slammed her to the ground and froze her right on the spot.

In a shocking turn of events Luna rouses Eric from his state of unconsciousness. "We've won" Luna said as Ravenna suddenly burst into pieces. Looking around for the culprit, they saw only the girl with golden locks glaring with brave eyes at the spot where Ravenna previously stood.

Luna sprints to her sister and picks her up to hug her as tears sprung into both of their eyes. " I told you I'd come for you didn't I ? And did you do that ?" Luna bursted out s smile. "Yes you did Lu-Lu and yes that was me" Elizabeth responded with a smile. Luna mouthed a 'thank you' to everyone as she began to walk out of the ice palace before the Ice Queen had stopped her.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for how my sister has brainwashed me" Ices said in a gentle voice. "It's no problem' Luna said turning to the huntsman and the rest of her crew that's left which is not many. But her original six is still alive so she's okay. "Would you all want to stay here with me?" Ices asked kindly.

We all look at each other before declining. "Well then, that's okay, but I'm so sorry for the trouble my sister has put you through." The Ice Queen apologized. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault" said a sincere Eric. Finally Luna and the team made their trek back to the boat. "So boys, what do you think of staying with me ?" pondered Luna.

"That's great" all of them except Eric responded. Eric had pulled Luna aside once they had gotten on the boat "I need to go do what I do best, be a huntsman" Eric told Luna which she came to terms with, as long as he visited every once and while. But her, the boys and Elizabeth all lived in some sort of happily ever after.

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