dare #18

184 3 4

ErrorInTheSystem dares: I also dare Vincent to dye his hair pink and wear pink for another 6 asks/dares

drunk Vince: *hic* whyYyYyyyyy!?

drunk Fritz: cAuSe it'S a dArE!! I dYEd mY hAir tOo!! *hic

drunk Scott: YeeeEeaAah!! *hic* CoMe on!!! YOu r gOnna lOok cuTe!!!

drunk Vince: fInE!!!! *dyes his hair pink* *goes for pink clothes and puts them on*

drunk Jeremy: woW!! YoU twO sucK!!

drunk Mike: nAaaaaAaW they lOok cUte!!

drunk Fritz and Vince: f*Ck yoU!!


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