Chapter 7

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I've been to orientation days for new jobs. I've worked a lot in my life. But I've never been to job training quite like this one. I sit on the only chair in this giant wearhouse. It's empty, there's nothing here and I can't help but wonder if I'm in the wrong place. I look down at my watch, 6.05am. 

"Jane!" I turn to face the voice while the familiar tall man in a suit marches towards me. "I like a girl who's on time." 

"Mr...." I begin

"No, no, no, call me George!" he takes my hand in his own and spins me around. "I really did do a good job picking!" her marvels at me and I begin to feel a little uncomfortable. "So you've met Harry, what'd you think?" His face looks hopeful and I get the feeling he sees Harry as a son and I can't help but... lie. 

"Oh he's um, very...." I stammer but my words are cut off as a garage door rolls up to reveal a black jeep. The jeep speeds through the empty wearhouse and holts suddenly right in front of us. George sighs next to me as the roof of the jeep is rolled back and Harry jumps over the door and onto the ground in front of us. 

"Morning," he grins pulling his sunglasses from his eyes and hanging them on the collar of his shirt. "Sorry, I'm late," he shoots me a wink and I don't bother to look at him any longer.

"No worries," Geroge smiles, only because he was late to. "So basically the next few days are relationship bootcamp. We need to create some serious chemisty, get your stories straight and of course make your love presentable." George claps his hands together and the sound echoes through the walls. "Alright lets get started!" There is an awkward silence as Harry and I stand feet apart. "Okay, how about standing a little closer together?" I take a small step in, as does Harry but we don't bridge the gap. "A little closer," I take an even smaller step. "Can I see a hug or something?" George is already annoyed, so am I. I stand still in protest. "What am I paying you both for?" As soon as the words leave his mouth Harry swoops me into his arms and spins me. I latch on to him, in fear of my life but can't help but laugh as his dimples appear. "Finally, okay. Now we know you're capable, let's do this." 

The day is full of interesting exercises. George forces me to jump on Harry's back, kiss him on the cheek and snuggle into his arm which is dam straight bazaar. After we break for lunch a few more cars pull into the wearhouse, 6 men step out dressed in black holding a camera each. 

"Okay, now we are going to see how you manage paparazzi. We want you to pretend like you're keeping your relationship between you but still showing enough affection to make people think something is happening. We want people to assume, rather than us telling them. Got it?" I nod obediently while Harry sighs and leans on his jeep.

"This is beyond weird, wouldn't it look better if it just happened?" Harry's voice speaks sense but I can't help but find it annoying. 

"Your use to this kind of thing Harry, she's never experieced it." Harry rolls his eyes. "Take her hand!" Geroge demands and Harry does. 

Within seconds there is a series of bright flashes that burn my eyes - I can't see anything. I'm shoved, pushed and heaved into Harry and I can't help but close my eyes. "Stop!" Harry yells above the mens demands. "You're scaring her!" I barely noticed that Harry has wrapped his arms around me and his holding me away from the 6 men. "Are you alright? It's not always this bad!" His voice is a comfort but I can't help feel a little embarrassed. I nod and try to stop my cheeks from blushing. "George," Harry's voice calls like a command. George moves over to us and Harry lets go of me. 

"This is total shit, she doesn't need this!" Harry's voice comes off as a whisper but still strong. 

"But.. Harry..."

"No, just let us get to know each other and we will work the rest out" They stare at each other silently and I wait to see who will give in first. 

"Fine, no more training! But you have to at least spend that time with her and get to know her, okay?" Harry smiles at George's words, not because he has to spend time with me but because he got his way. George moves off towards the camera men and Harry makes his way back to me. 

"Let's go," I try to look unimpressed at his tone but follow him to the jeep and sit in it silently. We don't speak to one another as we drive out of the wearhouse. 

"Thanks," I half whisper and look down at my lap as we come to a stop at a red light. 

"You were scared!" he laughs and I feel myself go red again. "You were like huddling into me," he can't contain his laughter now. "For a second there I thought you might actually like me!" I roll my eyes. Annoying Harry is back. Yippee..

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