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[2] - Hunters & New Place

|Day 5|

Riley fixed her coat proping her back up straight, walking confident around the town. Many people starred at her, maybe it was the fact that. Everybody had been gloomy in, "Divsone", she had a perfect smile on that pretty face of hers.

"Exuse me," she called out to a woman in a long sweater. The woman turned around a smug look on her face. "Do you know where a gun shop is-"

"Turn left when you get passed this corner. If you know how to read, it says, 'gun shop'," the woman spat walking away with her granchild.

Rolling her thick hazel eyes. Trudging down the street men, large guns, straight face, and buff. Hunters, had to be. Riley gulped down hard feeling the back of her throat scratching. It was a bad day.

Passing the broken old corner. Their stood the shop, with men at doors, she slolwy walked in eyeing them. And they eyed her.

It was a much smaller place then what she had imagined.

"Hey, how can I help you sweetheart?!" A guy with blonde shaggy hair, grey eyes and a tooth pick in his mouth said.

Ry shrugged her shoulders, "can I get a Riffle?", the man chuckled, "anything else?"


Dominic sat on the stoll trying hardly not to stare at the people. Everytime one passed him, his eyes had to catch onto them. A woman, middle aged, passed him a plate filled with pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Eating it quickly. He let out unbearable noises.

"You okay there boy?"

The man stared at Dominic, with the rest of his table. "Yeah-"

"Why you eating so fast-"

Dominic growled low, "why do you care?!" He snapped glaring at the men, they surrendered not pushing him father due to the red steaming face he had.

Three men sat next to him, chatting away. Dom in the corner of his eyes watched them. They had guns in each pocket on them.

"Breaking news! Two wolves had just crossed our territory. Where is our hunters? We need them on the streets immediately!"

A pic came up, of Riley and just a pic of him in wolf form. The hunters ran out. Dominic quickly followed after catching their eyes. He ran out back to where the woods was. And started to shift. "Shoot!!" They yelled furious at such creature.

Before he fully morphed into his great large wolf. They shot him in the chest, Dom struggled for balance, another shot him in the stomach. Another in his chest again.


All of a sudden a hunter was struck dead. Riley jumped down from a tree with her gun. Shooting at another hunter one by one they soon fell. A big muscular guy grabbed Ry by her neck. Dominic wad vivid flipping in the air. He jumps straight for the hunter.

His exterior when someone was to threaten him was deadly. That's the side Riley meant. "Don't. Ever. Touch her!" He yelled, birds began to fly away, others began to run away. The sky was grey, dull and dark.

Dominic jumped in the air with the guy, landing safely back on his two feet. Blood gushing from the body, hands all messy. In his left hand stood the hunters head.

"Lets! GO NOW RILEY!" He yelled shifting, she hopped on his back gritting through her teeth. Shooting at the others that dared to follow.

Running. Running. And running, soon they got away so Dom stopped. Put in the middle of the road stood his big figure. The same guys that was at the dinner with him was in a car. He stopped it with his bare hands. "Get out the car-"

"Told you he was a freak!" A younger man screeched, Ry pointed a gun at his head, "get moving. Now!" She barked watching them scurry.

Dominic snatched the keys from one dude and started up the car. Getting in, they drove off.

|Day 7|

As the two mates were driving the sun started to rise. Dominic had to get her to safety. His old friend, Zara and her mate the oddest thing is. Her mate happened to be a girl. A young beautiful woman named, Fate. When he got there the two girls starred at his mate.

"Okay. I thought being mated to a girl was strange. Your mate is a vampire. Did you hear correct, a vampire? How- in. The. World?" Zara started widening her eyes, running her pale fingures through her short hair, Dom perked up his back, "I know.. will you help though or not?!"

Fate glared at him, "don't snap on us. And yeah, of course. We might need-"

"No." Dominic protested crossing his arms.

"Come on! It was years ago. Dude your 24. Get over it, Ethan only did it once-"


Zara groaned, "want help or not-"

"Fine." Dom finally let out, rubbing his head, his mate had been sleep for two days. When she was the light she kind of blacked out. With out her ring, she's weak.

Fate placed the girl on the bed her and Dom would be sharing, gave her a cloth for the wounds she had then left the room. They waited for Ethan to come. Even though him and Dom had issues he promised to put the drama away. He had to save his mate and protect her.

A knock was on the door and in came Ethan.

After several minutes of explaining he needed proof, Dominic picked his mate up and started to shake her gently, "Dom! Stop!" She hissed glowing blue eyes.

Ethan jumped, "holy- I'm in!"

Looking around the room Riley starred at her mate, she rushed to grab something seeing a pail by the bed. She began to throw up.

"D-Dom?" Fate gulped, Dominic scratched the back of his neck.

He realized his mistake, "yes, Fate?"

"What did you do?!"

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