Chapter 3 - Training?!?

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Chapter 3 - My partner is Drew!?!?

Dedicated to balletlove for her nice and funny comment on my reccomendation of her book Unique, Different, Found. You should read it!


I just stood where I was, shocked at what I was seeing.

Drew is dead?

He opened his eyes and I saw the emerald green colour that I can’t get enough of.

Get your head together Vanetta. He’s dead with you.

He turns hid head to face me and stares at me. “Vanetta?” He asks, “Where am I?” Julia and Mark step in to explain exactly what they had said to me and he asked the exact same questions I had asked. Once they had finished, they turned to me.

“Vanetta, Drew is your partner through your journey.” Julia says as she looks between me and Drew. Drew stands up and stands up beside me. He was at least a head taller than me and I felt so tiny.

The perfect height difference between a guy and a girl. A voice said in my head. Grrrrr, stupid voice.

“So we’re angels and we need each other to survive in The Angel Relm?” Drew asks Julia and Mark and they nodded. I step forward and looked between them.

“Were you partners?” I ask and they both nod.

“I died in a shopping mall killing spree while holidaying in Bali and Mark died a few minutes after me after losing a battle to cancer suddenly.” Julia says as they both tear up. Hard subject to talk about I guess.

Of course stupid. They are talking about how they died. It’s a very hard subject to talk about. Again, stupid voice.

“So how did I die?” Drew asks Julia and Mark.

“You died in a car crash a minute after impact. Your family are fine by the way.” Mark says to Drew and he nods.

“At least they are fine.” Drew looks at the clouds around us while tearing up a bit.

“As I said, you two are partners and you will need each other in these next few weeks while you learn the rules here in The Angel Relm.” Julia says to snap us out of the silence that had started.

“What rules? I would think that we would be able to do whatever we like until the end of time.” Drew asks while I face palm.

Yup, I’m in love with that doof.

“Why would you think that you wouldn’t need rules? If The Angel Relm didn’t have rules, we would have endless arguments and wars because people would go back to earth to haunt people!” Mark yelled at Drew and Julia put her hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. I think I even heard Mark mumble Stupid teenager. They walk past us and ask us to follow so we did.


We walk up to a giant white building that looked a lot like the white house.

Why does everything have to be fricking white here!

We walk inside to discover only one large office covered in self-portraits of a man with neat white hair and a white robe that has long sleeves and goes to the floor. There is a desk with a chair behind it and on the other side of that chair, are two more chairs. There are a few cabinets around the room but the most annoying thing about this room is that it is all White! I hate white with a strong passion. I would only wear it as an accessory or an under top.

The door to the building opens and the man in the self-portraits walks in, looking exactly the same as in the pictures.

“Julia, Mark. I see you have brought in some new recruits.”  The man says to Julia and Mark.

“They are ready to start training. They just need to be suited up.” Mark says to the man, whom I don’t know the name of.

Drew walks up to Mark and takes a deep breath with each step. “What training?” He asks to the three of them.

“The training to prepare you for your big task to make you angels.”  The man says to him while also looking at me.

“I did hear that their task is a big one and very important to the angel world.” I hear Julia whisper into Marks ear.

The man turns to face Drew, (Who is back by my side,) and myself. “Follow me you two.” He says while waving at Julia and Mark.

“Where are we going?” I ask Julia. (Who is by my other side.)

“You are going to start your training to prepare you for your task. Mine and Marks job is done for you two but you will see us again. We will be you messengers, we will give you any important news about anything happening in the angel relm and we’ll also tell you what your big task is to turn you into full angels.” Julia whispers into my ear and I nod before waving at her and Mark before walking into a black room.

Finally, no white anywhere. Stupid, white hating voice in my head.

I feel a tight grip on my right hand before we shoot up like in an elevator. I feel like I’ve been blown by a huge gust of wind. I grip onto Drew for my dear life and he lets go of my hand to grip onto my back like he wanted to do the as I am.

When the wind stops, the black turns into white and we are surrounded by hundreds of people around our age, all in white clothing, using weapons on dummies and each other.

I snap out of my daze to the tapping of Drew’s index finger on my right shoulder. I look up, smile at him and he smiles back.

“Vanetta Lauren Jackson, Drew Grant Kingston. Welcome to the angel relm training centre!”


Yay! Finally done this chapter





Until next time my little skittles  :D

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