Eren Jeager X Male!Corporal!Reader {Lemon}

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Reader's P.O.V.
I sighed as I worked on the paperwork, a knock was heard on the door. "Come in." I mumbled, but loud enough for the other side to hear. I looked up as the door and saw Levi holding some files. "For you Brat." Levi said as he threw the files onto my desk. "What are these for?" I asked as I sighed picking one up, and opening it. "...New cadet information." Levi said looking away, my eyes widened in suprise. I stood up causing my chair to fall and I closed the file and slammed it onto my desk. "I thought I told Erwin to stop sending me these!" I yelled in anger and sadness. I walked over to the wall and punched it. "Heichou,-" I said turning to face Levi. ", Tell Erwin that it's not my job to check cadet information! I can't keep doing his fucking paperwork!" I yelled as I grabbed the files and shoved them in Levi's hands and pushed him out of my office and slammed the door. I sighed in frustration and ran a hand through my hair trying to calm down. I go and throw myself onto my couch by the wall and lay my arm over my eyes and fell asleep. 

~Start of a Dream~

I sighed as I look up at the sky and watch the clouds. "M/N!" I sit up smiling as I see Eren running towards me with Mikasa and Armin following close behind. "Hey guys!" I said as I waved. "What are doing alone?" Mikasa asked as she adjusted her scarf. "Watching the clouds." I smiled. I look at Eren and see him looking at me with a blush. "Join me you guys." I said as I patted the spot next to me. "We can't M/N." Armin said sadly, and I frowned confused. "Why not?" I asked confused. "Because we're dead M/N." My eyes widened as I see the scene change to me in my uniform and 3DMG watching my friends run away from a 15 meter titan. "GUYS?!" I yelled, but before I could move, Armin was picked up by a titan and eaten. My eyes widened as all I heard were screams. I watched as Mikasa and Eren were picked up by the same titan that ate Armin and Mikasa's upper body was bitten off and Eren's body was thrown inside the titan's mouth. Time seemed to slow down as Eren was being thrown, my eyes widened as I saw Eren make eyes contact with me and reach his hand out to me before getting eaten. My eyes widened in terror, I turn around hearing more screams and my eyes start getting watery as I watch my squad also get eaten by titans. I took a step back before falling down to my knees looking down, I screamed as the tears released themselves. "M/N!!" "M/N!! WAKE UP!!!" 'I let not only my best friends, but my squad die. It Should've been Me who Died Instead of them. They were amazing people, Killed all because of Me, it was all My was all My fault.

~End of a Nightmare~

My eyes widened as I sit up, covered in sweat and tears. "M/N?!" I look and see Hanji in front of me and Levi leaning against the wall. "M/N..." Hanji started but didn't finish as soon as she realized what happened. I felt as if the world was shaking but it was just me. "I-I need a shower." I mumbled as I went to stand up but stumbled a bit. "I-I'll be fine Hanji, I just need a shower." I said trying to reassure her as I went into the bathroom and took a shower then changing in a fresh change of uniform. I grabbed my uniform jacket and out it on. I saw Hanji burst through the door and look at me with worry in her eyes. "Hanji," I mumbled as I put my hands on her shoulders, "-I feel fine, besides, I have to go." I said mumbling the last part. "Okay! Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! We found a titan-shifter!" Hanji said excitedly wile my eyes widened. "A t-titan shifter, how?" "You'll see come on! Oh! and don't worry he's on our side." Hanji said as she smiled and dragged me off to where we are supposed to give a speech and tours as Corporals and shit. Once we got to the stage it as my turn to go on. I took a deep breath and walked onto stage, I stopped in the middle and faced the audience. I looked at the crowd and my eyes widened a bit when I saw 3 familiar figures in the crowd, I put my hands behind my back. "Welcome New Cadets to the Survey Corps. I am Corporal M/N L/N. I just have a few things to say, not a long ass speech like some people I know." I said earning a few laughs and chuckles. "Listen, I know you chose to join the Survey Corps for reasons, just know one thing. People who don't learn from mistakes in the past are bound to repeat them!" I said as I looked at everyone. "You all are the best out of the best, remember that. We are all here to help protect and survive, for the sake of Humanity!" I exclaimed. "You cadets have my respect especially those who still stood during the time of Commander Erwin's speech." I said earning another chuckles and laughs. "Please be careful out there, Soldiers." I said as I saluted them and they saluted back, I nodded at them before I went and left the stage. "Come on! We both have to go with Levi and his squad to escort the shifter somewhere, I'll tell you more later." Hanji said excitedly before turning serious in the end. I nodded as we left to get supplies. I was walking to my office when I heard voices. I turned to corner to my office and saw a few figures standing in front of my office door. "Just knock already!" I froze as I heard a familiar voice  , I took a few deep breaths before walking out and towards them. "Can I help you with something Soldiers?" I asked as they soldiers turned around. There were 6 soldiers by my door. "Corporal!" I look and see a boy with blonde short hair saluting me. "N-No need to salute me...Armin." I said as everyone's eyes widened. "I was right!!" Next thing you know I was punched in the soldier. "O-Ow." I look and see that Mikasa punched me, but she had teary eyes, I looked and saw that Eren was crying. "E-Eren?-" I was cut off with a smack across the face and a hug. "Where have you been?!" I heard Eren yell at me angrily and he sniffed, he was still hugging me. "U-Um well, when we were leaving onto the boats we got seperated so I was on another boat, that went for Wall Sina." I said and Eren looked down. "We thought you died." Armin said also looking down. "You think I'd die that easily?!" I said in disbelief as I put both hands above my heart as if I was shot. "Oh, by the way who are your friends?" I asked as I look at the other 3. "This is Shasha, Connie, and Horse Face." Eren said as he smirked looking at the one called 'horse face' and I raised an eyebrow. "JEAGER!!!!" "His name is actully Jean." Sasha said and I nodded. "Welp excuse me." I said as they moved and I opened my office door and walked inside, grabbing my 3DMG and putting it on as well as my cape. "Why is there a hole in the wall?" I look and see everyone looking at it. "Its also bloody." "Ignore it." I said as I walked out holding the door open. "Come on, out we go." I said as everyone walked out. "Where are you going?" Eren asks and I scratch the back of my neck. "A mission, sorta." I said. "Now get to where you're supposed to be!" I said strictly as they nodded and walked away. I sighed as I walked to the stables and got my horse, she was named Snow since she's a beautiful white horse with white hair and brown eyes. "M/N!!" I turned around as saw Hanji running towards me with a frown on her face. "Don't get Snow ready! We aren't going till later on. Sorry." Hanji said as she went and ran off somewhere. "What." I sighed as I pet Snow. "Guess not today Snow." I said as I went and walked back to my office, bumping into a certain male. "Eren?" "M/N? I thought you had to go on a mission?" Eren asked as I sighed. "Supposed to, got re-scheduled, I think." I mumbled and walked to my office adn stopped turning around to Eren standing there. "Aren't you coming? I have nothing to do, lets catch up." I said and Eren nodded running up to me and we walked to my office. Eren opened the door for me and I was a bit suprised but walked in , Eren walking in after me and closing the door, locking it. I went and walked to a door that connected to my room and took off my 3DMG and set it down in my closet. I look and see Eren staring at the hole in the wall again. I sneaked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, earning a yelp in suprise. "I told you to ignore it, you need to be punished." I said as I started kissing Eren's neck, earning a moan instead. "W-What are you doing?!" I heard Eren say as I turned him around and trapped him against the wall and put my face near his ear. "Giving you a punishment." I whispered as I bit his earlobe. I went and faced Eren and saw that he was blushing and I smirked. I went and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, I smirked when I felt Eren kiss back. I went and licked his bottom lip asking for an entrance, but my access was denied making me growl. I went and lowered my hands to ass and started to grope him and I place my knee on his crotch causing Eren to moan. I took this chance and slid my tongue into his mouth and left no area in his mouth untouched. I pulled for this thing called air, leaving a string of saliva connecting our lips. I smirked at Eren's flushed face. I went and put my hands on his thighs and looked at him. "Jump." I ordered and felt Eren jump up and I went and picked him up by his thighs and felt Eren wrap his legs around my waist, I went and walked over to my desk and sat him down somewhere where there weren't any paperwork and started to attack his neck, I smirked as I hear him moan on a certain spot and attacked it, making a hickey on his collarbone. I looked at Eren and laid my head on his shoulder so I was by his ear. "Desk or Bed?" I asked. "B-Bed." I heard Eren stutter and I smirked as I went and carried Eren to my room, after we entered I went and tossed him onto my bed and went to close and lock the door. I turned and saw Eren sitting up looking at me. "What?" I purred as I went and climbed on top of Eren sitting on his lap with my legs at his sides, I went and rubbed Eren's sides. "Its your turn M/N." I hear Eren say and I look at him. I see Eren smirk and he goes and takes off my cape, throwing it somewhere, he does the same with my jacket. I watch Eren as he goes and takes off my straps and then my shirt. I was lightly bushing as I felt Eren's warm hands on my body. I yelp in suprise as Eren goes and switches positions with me so I'm on the bed and Eren is hovering above me with a smirk on his face. I watch as Eren goes and takes off his shirt and his pants, leaving him in his boxers. My eyes widened as Eren started undressing me, leaving me naked under him. I blushed as Eren stared down at my body with his hungry and lustful eyes. I see Eren smirk as he went and started kissing my chest, I felt him go and pinch my nipple as he goes and licks/kisses the other, switching now and then. I felt Eren start kissing lower until he was above my crotch, I blushed as I felt Eren go and start touching my dick. I moaned and glared at the smirking Eren. "S-Stop teasing me already Eren!" I whined as it hurt since it was getting no attention. I saw Eren's smirk grow wider. "As you wish M/N." Eren said as he went and licked the tip causing me to moan, I moaned again as Eren went and took it all in and started bobbing his head up and down. I went and grabbed his hair pushing his head down more as I moaned in pleasure. Eren let out some groans causing vibrations and it made the pleasure even more great. "I-I'm close."I moaned as Eren sucked deeper and I moaned louder as I came in Eren's mouth. My hands were still in his hair as Eren went and stood up hovering above me again and opened his mouth, showing me that he drank it, causing my eyes to widen a bit and blush deeply. I watch as Eren went and kissed me, I went and tightened my grip on his hair, slightly tugging on it. Eren pulled away and I looked away, avoiding eye contact. "E-Eren...Fuck me." I said as my blush only got worse. "Huh? I didn't hear you, what did you say?~" Eren said and I faced him, sending him a glare. "I said...I want you to fuck me Eren." I said as I looked up at him and I saw his eyes widen a bit before he smirked. "Happily M/N." Eren said as he went and put two fingers in front of my mouth. "Suck, or it'll hurt." Eren said and I nodded and opened my mouth and Eren put his fingers in my mouth, I went and sucked on his fingers and licked them with my tongue. Eren pulled his fingers out and made me go on all fours with my ass in the air. I felt Eren go and enter his fingers into my ass and I cried out in pain. "I-It hurts!" "The pain will turn into pleasure~" Eren said as he went and started thrusting his fingers in and out, adding and removing a finger. I felt Eren go and pull his fingers out just when it started to feel good. "You want it? Beg for it~" Eren said as I felt his tip at my entrance. "W-What?!" "You heard me~." "P-Please just fuck my ass already Eren~" I purred. "With pleasure M/N~" Eren purred back as he went and thrusted into me without warning, earning a cry of pain from me, my eyes started to get watery. "Your so tight M/N~." Eren moaned out as he continued to thrust into me, soon my cries of pain turned into moans of pleasure. "M-more!~ H-Harder Eren!~" I moaned out as I felt Eren thrust into me harder. My eyes widened as I felt Eren hit that one spot that sent me over the edge, causing me to moan louder than I have. "Found it~" Eren groaned out as he gripped my thighs thrusting into that same spot. I felt Eren lay on my back as he thrusted into me, I moaned again when I felt Eren grab my dick and start jerking me off. I moaned as I was pure pleasure, I went and my upper half was on the bed while my ass was more in the air. "I-I'm close." I heard Eren groan as he thrusted into me deeper and faster. "M-Me too~" I groaned as I couldn't really speak. Me and Eren yelled eachother's name as we came, Eren cumming in my ass and me in Eren's hand and onto the bed. I moaned at the satisfying release and I felt Eren slowly pull out, that's when I lowered my ass and laid on the bed. "We need to take a shower still M/N, and wash the sheets." Eren said and I sighed.  I felt Eren pick me up and carry to my bathroom that was connected to my room. "Ready for round 2 M/N?"

Author's Note: I can't believe that I just wrote that cringy lemon. Than you for requesting LizzieUchiha16 Request are open again, yay! Sorry for the wait!

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