"You're All I Want" (Tate Langdon/Violet Harmon)

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"She'll come around, love. Don't fret." The girl stroked his hair gently, the crying wreck in front of her breaking her heart. "I promise, Tate, she didn't mean it. She will forgive you." With her arms around him in a comforting way, she didn't expect him to answer. She knew how much Violet mean't to him, even if it did hurt slightly. This hurt more though, seeing him so hurt and broken. This was probably worse than when he'd have his personality changes when he was alive, or when she witnessed his death. She pressed a kiss to the top of his head softly, whispering that she would be back and quietly slipped out of the basement in search for Violet. She wasn't quite sure what her feelings were for the emotional girl, whether she minded her or hated her, but right now it was definitely hate. But she also understood what the girl might be feeling right now. She knew nothing about what had happened to Tate, just that he murdered innocent people and raped her mother. Alice had to admit she would be feeling awfully similar to how Violet reacted if the roles were reversed. She sighed, biting her lip before she opening the door to Violet's room, standing there awkwardly.

"Who the hell are you?" The dark blonde girl spat, seemingly very angry as Alice pondered on if this was a good idea or not. Of course it was, she needed to protect Tate as she always tried to do.

"Alessandra Fairbairn. I mostly go as Alice though." She said softly, stepping in to the room and closing the door behind her. The other girl intimitated her, that was true, even though she wasn't much bigger than her. "I need to talk to you about Tate. I promise it's nothing like what you've heard though."

"I don't want to talk about him."

"Violet, please, just listen. You don't understand what's truely going on in this house..."

"Fine, talk. Then you have to leave. This whole house is full of bullshit."

"The things you accused Tate of doing... He didn't do them, Violet. I guess, in a way he did, but not your Tate."

Violet just looked at her with dislike mixed with confusion and sadness.

"There's two Tates. That's what I'm trying to say. When he was alive, he had a multiple personality disorder. He was mostly the sweetest boy you could meet, like the one you know, but every once and a while he would change and become this horrible, disgusting person. This house brought out the worst of it. While the Langdons were living here, the changes were frequent and worse. The house made him do things. The shooting, it was because of the house. It made him do it, Violet. When he would go into these different personalities, he never remembered what he did. He didn't believe he could do such awfull things. The awful things he does, it isn't the Tate you know. There are two people inside him, the sweet boy you love, and the awful creature who is commiting these crimes." She was sitting on the bed beside Violet now, looking at her gently. "When I heard what you said to Tate, I hated you. I rarely hate people, Violet, but I hated you for hurting him so badly. But I understand what you must have been thinking. You didn't know any of this, you couldn't have. Tate himself doesn't know it."

"How do you know all this then?!" Violet's eyes had accusation in them, Alice could tell, and she believed that all of it was a lie to get her to forgive him.

"I've known Tate since he was a child. We used to go to school together." Alice smiled faintly at the memories that flooded her mind. "Ask Constance if you do not believe me. I wouldn't lie."

Violet stared at her for a moment, lookg shocked and confused before she cleared her expression. "That's bullshit."

Alice just frowned, "You do not understand this house, nor do you understand peoples' minds."

"I'm not stupid."

"I love that boy more than you can imagine, Violet. I've spent many years with him. If you hurt him again, I won't be as understanding." She said gently, looking at Violet. Unlike many of the ghosts of the house, her eyes never darkened. They remained a clear, icy blue, full of kindness and love. But when she looked at Violet now, she knew her eyes were darker, the kindness replaced by dislike and anger. "I have seen his multiple personalities, I've dealt with the darker side. I've seen how he doesn't remember what he's done. I was willing to help you if his darker side came out to protect him against you, but I do not believe you are deserving of my help. I will protect Tate no matter what, even if it means keeping him away from you, Violet."

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