Healed and Confused

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      I studied the ground with intensity, praying that my tears wouldn't spill. Even though I was alone, I felt there were people watching me, judging me from a place I couldn't see.

I shifted My body so I was sitting in the corner of the dark room I had wandered into. The bell screamed, signaling the end of third period. I had been shoved and hurt by some popular kids who thought I was the most ugly thing they'd ever seen. As a last minute decision I decided to skip fourth and let myself, for once, show a bit a emotion. Some time passed while I sat, unmoving, in the dark classroom; the only light came from a small window on the opposite side. I wiped my eyes as a tear slip down my damp cheek.

A rattle of a door handle startled me and the door of the room slid open. Light from the brightly lit hall flooded in, making me squint. A person I'd never seen before today flicked on the light. He was a boy with blond hair that looked freshly cut and he was tall for the age he seemed to be. He was holding a notebook. I studied him from the back of the room as he sat down at an empty desk towards the back as well. He was just a few feet in front of me. He had no idea I was there so I stayed quiet. I never really had liked attention. The boy grabbed a pencil and opened the journal. He started writing in a fast pace. I sat still, but I felt the awful feeling of a sneeze. I tried my hardest to hold it in, however, I was not successful. He jumped in his seat and turned his head. I sunk back further into the shadows, hoping he wouldn't notice me. He still saw me.

"Sorry I just wanted a place alone. Am I bothering you?" He asked.

"No you're not. I wanted to be alone too, anyways."

"So I guess we understand each other. And -- wait, are you crying?" He asked, his voice was soothing and full of concern.

"I guess you could say that..."

Without a word, he closed his notes and came to crouch in front of me.

"What happened?"

"Some kids were just jerks.... No big deal." I winced and he gave me a look of worry.

"Are you hurt?"

"They pushed me into some lockers. It's not that bad, honest."

"Then let me see." I turned and he pushed up the hem of my shirt slightly in the back. He reached out and brushed his hand along the tender part of my back where I'd hit the locker door.

"Oh gosh. That's bad. You might want to get that checked out or---" he faded out as he started mumbling something.

He took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were a warm gold.

"Don't freak out. Okay?" He placed a warm hand on the small of my back for a moment and the heat of his touch spread across my skin.

"What are you doing?" I asked, thoroughly confused. He removed his hand. I turned again to get a good look at him. He had a smirk on his face and his gold eyes caught the light.

"What's your name? I don't think I've seen you around before." I said.

"Jake. How about you?"

"Cassie. And what exactly did you do with your, uh, hand?"

Jake, as I now knew him, muttered something I didn't catch, but he looked at me with a quizzical expression.

"What thing?"

"Never mind...." I said, but as I touched my back where Jake had held his hand, I felt that it was no longer injured. Like it had been healed.

"Jake?" I looked around to find he was gone. "Wha--how?!"

His stuff was missing, all but one thing. The black journal with gold trim. I moved from the corner and made my way to the desk he'd been sitting in before he found me.

"Wow." I said as I flipped through the pages. His handwriting was flowing and elegant, way unlike mine. Stories filled the paper. One name in particular caught my eye. Mine. I read what he'd written next.
I must not let her die.
I must protect her.
I dropped the notebook in shock, but quickly gathered myself and picked it back up, closed it, and shoved it into my bag. I'd give it to Jake if I ever saw him again. Not that I'd seen him before today though. I usually k ow if there's a new student or not. The people who'd been mean to me didn't matter anymore. All my focus was on the boy who had healed me. The boy with gold eyes and nice blond hair.

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