Chapter 9~ Time passing by

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2 months later....

Mario's P.O.V

My sister and Jacob have not talked for the past two months. Jacob misses her. I invite him over to come and chill some days. Amari will be sitting in the kitchen and completely ignore him. She just sits on her phone. Both of our social medias are doing pretty good. Everyone wants to know what's happening between them. On live streams, that's all they want to talk about. She is going to have to talk to him soon.

I grab my bag and phone and head out the door. I don't wait for Amari or Cat, I just go.

Amari's P.O.V

Mario and Cat had already left for school. I put my coffee down the drain and left the cup in the sink. I went back upstairs. I unplugged my phone and stuck it in my jean pocket. I walk back down stairs and grab my backpack. I start walking to school. I get into home room and sit down. I scroll through my phone just for fun. I hear a load bang. I look up from my phone to see that Jacob had dropped his textbook on the ground. He looks at me, I roll my eyes and look at my phone again.

~On the walk home~

Jacobs P.O.V

I have to go over to Amari's house today for another dinner party. I hope she will finally forgive me and talk to me. I make it to my house and go through my closet looking for something to wear. I picked out a blue polo and khakis. I look down at my phone

It said missed call from Amari

Why is she calling me? I immediately call her back. Someone picks up the phone.
Mario- yo it's Mario
Mario- are you coming tonight?
Mario- your sleeping over btw. Your parents are doing something really early in the morning and don't want to leave by your self
Me - but your s-
Mario- don't worry, okay?
Me- okay bye

I hung up the phone. I ran my fingers through my hair. I placed my phone down on my bed. I took of shirt or shorts. I changed into the blue polo and khakis. I grabbed an empty back pack and put in a pair of vans, socks, my thrasher shirt, and shorts. I zipped that up and put on the bag. I grabbed my charger and walked down stairs. My mom, dad, and I walked over to the Selman's house. Caroline couldn't come because she had school.
After dinner

Amari's P.O.V

My parents went to sleep. Mario, Cat, Jacob, and I were the only ones up. I was ignoring Jacob the entire time. Deep down in me I wanna talk to him. I really miss us talking. Jacob went upstairs to use the bathroom. I walked upstairs to head to my room. Jacob and I walked right into each other. We stood there staring at each other
Me- Jacob I need to talk to you

I grabbed his hand and took him into my room. I closed the door behind him and locked it.


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Fangirl out!;)

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