Chapter 1: Standing

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I feel the breeze of the morning air. I just want to stand here forever. Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of a huge crowd at the town square market.

"Cole, get out of the way! You're dreaming again!" I turn to see Ms. White, she's always in her uniform. Of course, what am I saying? She's a former baker near the kingdom.

One and only kingdom of the town. Kingdom of Belmont.

I see her walking towards me. "Aw, Ms. White, how do you do?" Her face begins to look furious than before.

"Not much Cole, but YOU need to stop standing in the same exact place every day at 8, my lord child. Do you know how many times I have to yell at you ?" She howls.

"3?" Her face turns red, I didn't notice she could be this angry at me."Cole, be smart. More than 3 and more than I can count."

She looks at the direction of where I stood " What is it that you look for? The kingdom?" Yes I might say, where I am standing you could see the big, humungous castle. You would need to cross the bridge to get to it. It's all surrounded by water besides the village. I question the castle a lot sometimes.

"Hello? Civil life to Cole, can you hear me?" My vision was so focused on the castle I forgot about Ms.White.

"Oh! Ms. White, I'm very sorry." I smile awkwardly. "So, it is the kingdom that you seek!" She throws one hand on top of my shoulder. Wildly mouthing every detail.

"Must be money, I see it in your gorgeous eyes! Must be fame, I see it in your smile! Must be - must be -." Ms. White covered her mouth. She couldn't say it.

"Speak Ms.White, nothing to fear." She grabbed me once more, quickly pulling one of my ears towards her warm mouth.

"Must be a girl." Ms.White dropped her baked breads. She grabbed my hand and twirled me around. I halted to a stop but she continued on with her happy dance.

"Ms. White, you just noticed? I've stood here everyday and now you see? How come other days but today ?" Questioning Ms. White, she slowly stopped.

"Aw, I was annoyed and figured today was the day to ask." She continued talking while picking up her items on the ground.

I crouched down to help the miss. "Thank you, Cole." I pulled her off to the ground. "My pleasure." I bow.

"Oh my! I must get to the bakery now. It's almost 9, good day Cole and make sure to not stand there or else!" Ms. White waved good bye in a blink she was gone. Very fast lady, indeed.

I walk back to the house of fosters or as I like to call it, my home. I'm 18, with no family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, mother, father, siblings. I don't have anyone besides my sweet lady, Lady Eliza. Who is a middle aged woman and most likely becoming a nurse. No, no, she is nothing more than a good friend of mine but even more like a mother to me. She does everything for the children that have no families. Cleaning, washing , sweeping, tucking the kids to bed, teaching the kids to do their homework and cooking. This house of mine is bigger than what I can afford by myself, it is ONLY for children.

Belmont kingdom felt bad for the lost children like myself. They gave enough money to let Lady Eliza build a house big enough to fit around 50 - 70 children. I'm happy to call this my house.

I help Lady Eliza everyday with everything just like her. Before the kingdom gave her the money, it was just Lady Eliza and I. After I turned 12 I helped others in need too. That is how we got to around 70 children.

The house is about a mile away from the town and the kingdom because it needs enough land to not keep the children isolated from anything or anyone.

I continue taking the same route as I always have since I was little. Straight all the way, if you see the big rock with a violet flag attached to it, you turn right and you'll end up at the house.

I reach my destination, walking towards the door step. My hands slowly reach for the handle -

"KIMMY!" I hear Lady Eliza roar. My hands grabbed hold of the handle making the wooden door rattle as I open it. It's not a very safe door I might say.

A baby waddle towards me, he didn't notice me? He was joyfully laughing while Lady Eliza was furious. "My! Come here Kimmy." Kimmy is 4 years old, he is the youngest of all the kids I know of and the sweetest. Kimmy starts to squirm around, trying to loosen my grip so he can run away again.

Foot steps become louder and I see a sweaty lady. Huffing and puffing to catch her breath.
"Kimmy! Can you not take a bath? It is almost noon!" Lady saying exhaustingly, "Where have you been Cole?! Go give Kimmy a bath please, and thee others!" I rush inside to give Kimmy a bath when all of a sudden I hear people say, "Colieeee !" I turn and see all the children rushing towards me body slamming me into the tub. "What a day, I say."

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