Chapter 2: Fiancée

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I sink down into the cold water, floating on top of it like a dead man. Letting the cold soak into my skin. The fumes of oak, pine and the scent of the flowers Nymphaeaceaes gather up into my lungs. I don't want to leave this water. Something inside of me won't let me leave the pawn. It feels amazing.I lift my hand up to the starry sky, slowly reaching for the full moon tonight.

"So far." I whisper to myself, I hear the entrance to the pawn creak.

"What is it you must need?" I say to the person. There was no sound, I did not want to look away from the beautiful sky but I must. Inhale and exhaling slowly, I lift my head.

"I said what is it you must need ?" With all the strength, the person ripped me out of the pawn. Water splashing every where on the cement. My face could not look at the person, I was shocked.

"My, if it isn't my soon to be fiancée in the ugly pawn again?" The deep voice growled in my ear. My eyes began to close. "I should have known it was you, Clayton." I smirk, how could I have not seen this coming myself? Inhale and exhaling, I open my eyes wide enough to notice all the details of the man. Big muscles, blonde hair, square jaw, big cheeks and blue eyes that were gazing straight at me. His clothes were all soaked, but it's was hideous anyways who would wear black over white ?

"Don't you look lovely, Eve?" He complimented me, he of course would pull me out because I was naked and always in the pawn, I, of course rolled my eyes at his face. This is a sick joke as I see it. The man stands up stomping towards the door where maiden Jinnah was standing to hand the towel to Clayton. He walked back towards me my hands forcibly snatch the towel out of his. A grin he gives. Gently standing up I wrap the silk made towel I hand crafted around me.

"Like I said again, what is it you need?" I asked once more. He turned towards maiden Jinnah, giving her a hand motion for her to be excused. The door closed. It was the two of us, alone. I could feel something wasn't right. His two big hands crumple my face together, the look in his face was soft, "I want you." My ten times smaller hands grab his. I pull him away walking towards a different direction.

" You only want me because I'm the princess, Eve Mona Belmont, royal family, richest of all the kingdoms." The bright moon shines more towards the scene, an amazing time is it not ?

"You gave me nothing for 4 months now. I have been nothing more than caring to you, what is it that you must seek for me to get your attention? I really do love you Eve." I could not face him, he is hideous than before.

4 months before. . .

Waking up to a sunny day means it's going to be a good day. As I thought before Clayton showed up at Belmont. Maiden Jinnah, woke me up, bathed me, perfected my hair and every other detail with my white and gold lace gown.

"Ah, today will be fun, will it not princess Eve?" Maiden Jinnah said while pulling my corset together.

"What is it today?" I question her, "My, you did not know? Prince Clayton, son of Harvest is coming to Belmont !" My whole body started to get goosebumps.

Clayton is an enemy to me since we were little. The first time he stepped foot into the Belmont kingdom was when I was 10 and he was 12. We never got along with each other. He hurt me, blamed me for everything. He used my parents and his to get what he wanted. He killed my pet pigeon, O'ryan who was only able to spread his wings for a few weeks but was shot by an arrow right through his head. I cried for months, I took care of O'ryan since the time he didn't hatch yet. I never liked Clayton, he is stubborn, ignorant, and a very judgmental person.

"Prince Clayton?" I murmured, maiden Jinnah tied the last knot to the corset. "I've heard a lot about him, he is handsome is he not ?" I almost threw up when she said the word 'handsome'. I slowly turn to face maiden Jinnah.

"I have no interest in him." maiden Jinnah's eyes grew larger as I told her I was not interested. Everyone believes he is a good man. He is not, he will never be a good man. No one is. Maiden Jinnah grabs my shoulder, "oh lord, my princess have you gone insane?"

I shook my head, I was not insane I was being truthful. The sounds clicking echoed through my doorway of my room. It must be mother that wants me?

My soft hands gracefully lift the gown. "Be graceful, Eve." I whisper to myself, indeed I talk to myself a lot more than you think. As I got to the door, the handle turns and who do I see ?


He's grown so much since we were little. Mostly ugly from my perspective. He stands tall around 6 feet, while I am only 5'4. I am a very short lady if you can imagine.

"Fiancée, it's been years since I've seen you." Now my eyes are wider than maiden Jinnah.

"Can you speak again? Did I hear Fiancée?"

Back to the present day. . .

My white foot gradually sweep towards the door. I grab the cold wooden stain steel handle bar, softly leaning against it.

"You will never get my love. I will not be your fiancée. Besides, you may try to find a heart inside of me but all that's left will be a stone. I don't seek to find any passion from a man nor woman. I am all on my own. I can never find the right one."

"Good night and sweet dreams."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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