06: spinning

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I woke up to the sound of retching in Astrid and my's shared bathroom, most likely a result of hangover. She had drank much more than me; instead of making out for the majority of the party, she had played a plethora of drinking games.

"Ast? You okay?!" I yelled, holding my face up with my hand and letting out a silent yawn.

"Probably shouldn't have drank so much," she replied, which was followed by the sound of her vomiting again. "But I did win 60 bucks in beer pong!"

"Good job! I think?" That was answered to with a mixed laugh and upchuck.

"You okay with me still going surfing with Parker and Colton? I know you didn't even want to go in the first place."

"Oh, shít yeah, that's today. Well now I have an excuse! I was planning on drinking coffee and eating eggs and watching Friends all day anyway, that's my perfect day. And where's Eleanor anyways, I haven't seen her all night?" She then puked once again.

Eleanor Rose Maddox was my thin, dark brunette, and perfect athlete older sister.

But she was also a bitch.

And those are my parent's words, not mine.

"Yeah, I got a text from her. Said, and I quote 'I'm not going to be home tonight. Probably won't tomorrow. Don't ask why, and if you tell Mom or Dad, you're dead.'"

"Cool, good luck! See you later!"

"You too!" I replied, going to my closet and grabbing another bathing suit. This time, it was another one from PINK my sister didn't fill into, a Strappy Triangle Bikini. I threw by dirty brown hair into a messy bun and put on my old Top Sider beach coverup.

I slipped on by flip-flops, grabbed my beach bag and my phone charging on the kitchen counter, yelling "Bye!" to Astrid and closing the door behind me.

I got on my bike and went back to the beach back off Hummock Pond Road, the only thing with me the beach bag on the handlebar of the rented bike.

I easily made it to the beach, parking my bike in the racks right off the beach and looking for Parker and Colton, before I heard "Carter! Over here!" from down by the beach.

I jogged down to see Parker, but no Colton.

"Hey, where's the dumbass?" I asked, giving Parker a smile.

"Hungover. Guessing case's same for Astrid?" he asked, leaning against his surfboard.

"Yup. I actually woke up to her puking, if you can believe," I replied, putting my bag down next to Parker's drawstring.

"I can, 'cause that's how Colton woke me up last year when we had a party like that. This year, he woke me up by running into my room screaming 'THE WORLD IS SPINNING.' So, maybe you have that to look forward to," Parker joked, flashing a smile.

I lifted my eyebrows, chuckling.
"So, something I forgot to mention is I do not have a surfboard. I always borrow one whenever I surf back home."

"Yeah, I brought Parker's just in case. It might be a bit big for you, but is that okay?" he asked, picking up his from the sand.

"Yeah, totally. He has a sick surfboard!" I exclaimed, looking down to the board next to our two bags. It was a High Performance white Honey Dip one from Chemistry Surfboards.

"Hey! Mines pretty nice too!" Parker defended, showing another expression of mock hurt. It was pretty cool- Quantum Theory, meant for more experienced surfers.

We went out and surfed for a while, and I filmed a lot of the best parts. He came up to the camera a lot, and at one point when I filmed him wiping out, he came over to me and attacked my neck.

Not giving a shít about loyalty or what other people think is pretty fùcking fun. 

(i don't know too much about surfing so please excuse any mistakes. i used chemistry because one of my friends is sponsored by them.)

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