So, my dear friend PainfulTrash, had the audacity to tag me in this challenge thing.
And now I'm like a week or two late because marching band is exhausting. SORRY LORD RIN. (Seriously though, if you have sleeping problems, just join band. You'll be yawning up a storm by 5 PM.)
Anyways, ONWARDS.
1. Full Name
I'm not entirely comfortable with sharing my full name online, but you can have my middle name. It's Reagan.2. Age
14.3. Relationship Status
Single for the foreseeable future.4. Favorite Food
Probably pasta or pizza.5. How I Feel Right Now
Exhausted. (See aforementioned marching band note.)6. Where I Live
The good ol' USA. A boring part of it at that.7. Favorite Movie
Either The Princess Bride, Men In Black, or Ghostbusters.8. Do I Have a Crush
Yes, but that's not something to share with the internet.9. Last Book I Read
The Secret Life of Bees for school. I'm currently reading The Princess Bride for school as well.10. Favorite Band
Nothing really comes to mind, so I'm just going to say Dresses.11. Favorite Song
It honestly depends on my mood, but I'm going to say "State of Grace."12. Eye Color
My left eye is a light brown, almost hazel, and my right eye is a really dark brown, practically black.13. Someone I Love
All of my friends, duh.14. Worst Fear
Something along the lines of being a burden and dying without meaning. Change is probably up there, along with wasting time.15. One Wish
Infinite wishes.
Just kidding. Honestly, I'd probably wish for all of the people I care about to have happy lives. Or pull a full 180 and wish for something completely arbitrary, like eight WiiUs.16. Favorite Animal
Either a turtle or a giraffe. If we count mythical creatures, definitely a dragon.17. Favorite Color
Gray.18. Done Anything Illegal
Besides jaywalking, one time when I was in elementary school I was leaving a store and picked up a ball by the door to take to lost and found, but my mom left and so I ran to catch up with her and she thought I stole it. She made me go back in the store and return it to the manager, and that was how I found out children could go to jail. Not because I went, but still.19. Tattoos
No. I think they look cool, but I doubt I could actually get one.20. What Do I Miss
Lots of things. I'm extremely nostalgic. More seriously, though, probably having less responsibility. It makes me jittery to have lots of people relying on me.THERE I FINISHED. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW PainfulTrash?
I'm going to suck about three more friends into this mess and then proceed to retreat.
syo-the-great(that being said, consider yourself tagged if you read this and want to do it.)

Personal Ranting Book
RandomThis book has got some things in it. Things like tagging challenges, theories of various fandoms, and personal rants will be included.