Chapter 5: I'm a smooth operator, I promise!

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I slowly open my eyes to have them assaulted by the morning light. I didn't close them last night. 'Sh*t!' I say to myself realising that I have to get up and close them because my eyes can't take anymore light.

My head is absolutely pounding, my mouth is dry and I feel as if I'm going to vomit. Oh great, a hangover. I groan and try to get out of the bed but something stops me.

I turn around to see a brown mop of hair. Oh no! I actually didn't sleep with him last night!

I calm down when I realise that we actually didn't do anything. God! What will people think though.

 I try to find all my clothes around the room. They are strewn everywhere!

It takes me a while to find them as my brain is functioning a bit slower today. I try to fumble them on as quickly as possible before Erik wakes up but I'm having no such luck.

Just as I'm about to leave to room I can feel the piercing green eyes on me that I have learned to know so well over the last few days. I turn around, like a rabbit caught in the head lights and give him a sheepish smile.

He just gives me his slow, lazy smile that I love.

Damn! How can he look that good in the morning.

I'm pretty sure that I look like death myself. His tousled hair looks like a great combination of neat and messy and I can see his tanned, six pack from where I'm standing.

Did I really get to sleep with him last night? He must have been really drunk! As I stand there, ogling at his magnificence he just shakes his head and tuts playfully.

'Now Polly where do you think you're going? I'm quite insulted.'

Even though he says this in a serious tone his eyes have a spakle in it that tells me that he is joking. He contiues on; 'Lucky that I got your number last night so I don't have to go tracking you!'

This statement makes me laugh and I just shake my head at him. I reply;

"Erik you fool, I was leaving because I was afraid that  you would view this as a one night thing. I didn't want you to wake up and be distant with me. That would have just killed me.'

Upon hearing this Erik becomes really serious, jumps out of the bed and cups my face in his hands.

'Will you meet up with me tonight?'

I nod my head.

'Good I'll text you when and where later. I smile and leave the room having one more glance at those brilliant eyes.

I'm trying to act cool but inside I'm doing a little private, spastic happy dance. Guys never really see past my face so I am complteley happy. 

Last night was a complete success! I made new friends and I may have gained a new boyfriend. Let's just say that Polly Owens is a very happy girl now!

As I'm leaving the house I scrunch up my nose in disgust. There are couples sprawled everywhere, half dressed with pools of vomit around them.

There are red sole cups everywhere and I'm pretty sure that there is not one drop of alcohol left in the house. Wow, so much for the glamour of the party.

There are people walking around and I'm pretty sure that they look as bad as I feel. There eyes are all bloodshot and there faces are white. Some of them are actually clutching the wall for support. How dramatic!

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