Chapter 8: The mysterious stranger

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Hey everyone. You are going to find out half of Erik's big secret as I want to keep some of the plot a surprise. Hope you enjoy :).

Erik's POV:

As soon as the final bell rang I bolted out of the school as soon as possible. I just wanted to get out of there.

 I could hear the people gossiping about as I made my way out of this dump.

Did they not have anything better to do? It was as if the had no life of their own so they just commented on mine.

I couldn't wait to get out of this town. The people cared too much about other peoples business. It just absolutely sikened me.

 I finally reached my jeep after what felt like a lifetime even though I had practically ran to it.

I turned on the engine and I sped out of the school with many shocked faces staring at me. While I was speeding out of there I put on the music that I usually play when I’m angry; Metallica.

 I let the music surround me and mellow out my mood. I then suddenly stop the jeep in the middle of the road. The car behind me stops right behind me and beeps in protest.

 “Shit”! I shout to myself, realizing that I left Polly in the school without a ride.

 I just sat there in shock while cars passed me. I was completely oblivious to the beeps of the other cars and the people shouting protests at me.

 I felt guilty for a few moments but I then started to feel happy with my forgetfulness. Polly would probably think that I did it on purpose. Well, serves her right!

I was in this bad mood because of her. I was angry because of her and that douche Adam. If she didn't practically hang off of him today I wouldn't have gone off with whats her name.

I thought that we were in a relationship! The minute I turn my back on her she runs off with the worst guy possible. 

I need to go to see Mandy tonight before the big meeting. I have to go with a clear head. I need to defend myself against any obstacle that she is going to throw at me.

I get my phone and I dial Mandy's number. It rings a few times but she finally picks up.

"Erik is that you?" she asks. I know that she knows it's me and she only asks out of politness.

I reply: " Yeah it's me. I need to see you before the big meeting tonight." Mandy knows who I'm referring to.

She sighs for a minute but she finally says; "I think I can fit you in you in but, you have to be here in ten minutes or it goes to someone else."

I let out a sigh of relief. When I'm in this mood only my therapist Mandy can pull me out of it and I really need her right now. I feel as if i might explode if I don't get this pent up anger out of myself.

I have been going to Mandy since I was fourteen. I started going when my Father told me about my duty to my family. In the beginning I found it hard to deal with so Mother sent me to Mandy on a weekly basis.

Mother only sent me to Mandy because she wasn't even bothered enough to talk to me about my problems herself. She was more concerned about what gala event she had to attend next or something stupid like that.

They did the exact same for Ruby but Ruby never liked going to Mandy. She found a different way to deal with this problem. she partied drank and smoked her problems away. She is now in a panic trying to be with as many guys as possible before she is tied down.

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