Prologue: 2 hours later

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"Yo!" He said, hitting the side of the new truck.

His new driver screeched to a stop. He had liked his old driver more... his old driver didn't say much. Just slammed his heel on the gas. He liked everyone in his old crew as well. They were good shots, with the guns. But he had to play it fair. And now they were all dead.

He interfered again.

He barely knew the kid. The kid was barely 16 compared to his 19 years of age... yet still it wasn't enough. That one guy... he jumped out of the shadows so suddenly... He hoped they were dead. He saw the city go up in flames. The jets... he hoped they didn't make it that far... that they blew up just like the city. His city.

He had managed to limp back to his camp. It was pretty far away, but he made decent time. They took the cars and left the city. They knew what was coming. A couple stayed back though... said they were done with life. They were gone too.

But he was not going down yet. The one in the cloak had ruined his eye. He had to make an eye patch out of some cloth. It was stained dark red with the blood of some of his old fighters. They made their way out of the city. They knew where the planes were going. He knew they were immune. They had to be. So they would go to North Dakota. He was in charge... it was the only thing keeping him going. It was the fact that he was still in charge. Or at least until he hunted them down. Then he was going to blow his brains out... he hadn't decided yet... but he thought he was gonna do it. He'd been thinking about it since Kyle and his brother died.

"What are you thinking about sir?" His driver asked him.

He thought for a moment, and then replied. "The same old, Joseph. Just about how I'm going to smash the skulls of Jack, Griffin, Jordan, Miranda, and TK under my foot.

"Sounds good sir."

For now, he was happy. No worries. Not yet.

He dabbed to himself, and the truck sped ahead.

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