CHAPTER SIX: Dying On The Inside And Out

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        I wake up the next morning feeling a bit better, but with a massive headache. I roll over and find Austin with his arm draped over me in the wide hospital bed. I can't help but smile and slide in closer to him. His grasp on me tightens and his eyes pop open.

        "Morning sleeping beauty," he says in a low raspy morning voice.

        "Morning," I squeak out.

        They must have upped my morphine intake last night because I feel a little...funny...this morning.

        "Did you sleep well?" He asks, looking down, and playing with tips of my partially curled hair.

        "It was okay...I had a nightmare..." I say, flopping my head down onto the pillow.

        "I know," he replies. "You were talking in your sleep last night," he says, giggling.

        "Oh God...what did I say?" I ask, feeling like I'm going to regret my question.

        "Not much. You just kept saying 'leave me alone' and 'get off of me' over and over again." He says, doing his best impression of my voice.

        "I don't sound like that," I protest, mocking his attempt.

        "That's what you think..." he says , rolling his eyes and smiling.

        "Hi, I'm Austin, and I like to play guitar all day long and do nothing." I try my best attempt at his voice, but mine isn't nearly as good as his.

        I blame the drugs...

        "Yeah, that totally sounds like me," he says, softly poking my arm.

        "Ouch!" I screech, as I roll over on pain.

        "Oh my God! Are you okay?! Kenzie I'm so sorr-"

        "Gotcha!" I say, pushing him.

        "I hate you," he says in a monotone voice and through grit teeth.

        "Sure ya' do," I say, poking him in his ribs. "That's why you stayed here with me, right?" I question sarcastically. "By the way, why did you stay?" I ask, bringing it to a serious level for a second. Austin's lips form a small smile and he looks over at me.

        "What? I know I look horrifying right now, but try not to focus on that! Tell me!" I say, shaking him a bit. I really do look disgusting. My hair is a knotted greasy mess, my face is completely makeup free, and I'm in a faded hospital gown.


        "Don't say that. You look great," he says, brushing the hair from my eyes. "I don't know really. I guess...never mind," he trails off.

        "No, come on!" I plead, as I sit up.

        "Well I guess...I was worried about you? I don't know..." He starts to blush and I turn my head to hide my smile. 

        I've never seen a boy blush before. So this is what it looks like...interesting...

        And I guess I wanted you to be safe." He grabs my hand and squeezes it tight.

        "This is so weird for me..." I say laughing.

        "What do you mean?" He asks, sounding a bit worried.

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