Chapter 7:Sick of Evil

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Cherry is with Phoebe in her room, and she knows about their super powers. Phoebe is afraid to tell Cherry what's going. She doesn't want Cherry to know that Hiddenvile could come to an end. But then again, she is a superhero. So she might have to tell her eventually. Caleb, Billy, and Nora walk in, and sees Barb in the kitchen. Caleb shouts, "Hey Barb!!!" Barb turns around, and uses her electricity powers to stun Caleb. Then Billy and Nora said, "MOM STOP!!!!" Nora walks up and says, "This Caleb is good." Barb looks confused. Phoebe and Cherry walks down, and Phoebe sees Caleb on the floor being stunned. "Cherry stand behind me. That guy is dangerous." Cherry stands behind Phoebe. Nora walks up to them and says, "Phoebe that's the good Caleb. There is an explanation for this mess." Phoebe and Cherry look at each other confused.

At the villain league, Max comes out wearing his villain uniform. Max is super impressed with his plan going well so far. Max tells Dark Mayhem, "Excuse me my dark lord, the device is finished. All we need for the plan to be finished is the stone." Dark Mayhem scratches his head, because the stone has never been found anywhere for years. Then Max just came up with something. He called Evil Caleb from his watch. Evil Caleb is walking out off Hiddenvile High with Principle Bradford's khakis. Principle Bradford is shouting, "HEY COME BACK HERE WITH THOSE!!!" Then sees a tarantula on his foot. He shouts so loudly.

Caleb turns on his watch and says, "Master I know you might be asking about the bomb. It's almost done sir. Just need another day or two." Max on the other line says, "Don't worry about the bomb right now. I need to find out where the evil stone is. Just look for it, and fly to us when you find it." Then Evil Caleb gives him a thumbs up, and hangs up the phone. He flies away and Principle Bradford says, "Hey what about my khakis?! JERK!!" When he looks down, the tarantula is still on his foot, "Go ahead... Bite me... I dare you!" Then shouts again.

Then at the Thundermans living room, Phoebe has heard the whole story, and now everyone knows that this Caleb, is innocent. Now they have to figure out what to do to stop Max and Evil Caleb. While they were thinking, the thunder monitor said, "Alert, Alert emergency call from Super President Kickbutt." Super Pres looks upset, yet afraid. Phoebe asks, "Super President Kickbutt... have heard what's been going on?" Super Pres replies, "Yes, and that's why i'm calling. Thunderman is captured by Max and Dark Mayhem." Caleb is shocked and in his mind he says, "Oh No! Hank didn't stop them. I've got to do something." Then he says out loud, "Super President, I must go and rescue him." Then everyone stares at him. Super President replies, "I'm sorry, but Hiddenvile is in danger. Evil Caleb is running around causing mayhem. If you leave, he might come for the Thundermans." 

Things are getting complicated for him. He can't leave to save Hank, but if he doesn't leave, Max will turn everyone evil including the Thundermans. So either way, Everyone is at risk. He says, "Well i'm sick of evil. If I don't leave, who knows how much time we have until Max turns us all evil? He won't stop until we do something about it." Super President understood every word. But says, "I know what's happening Caleb. But we are the hero league, we can fight them for you. Just stay no matter what. Super President Kickbutt... Out"  Caleb knows what Max is capable of. His clone is powerful enough to wipe them all out. But he can't leave. Max has made a real mess.

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