Hey guys. Sorry again for making you wait so long for an upload. Insufferable takes long to write, I don’t want to rush this story. Also, I have been super busy with university.
An update on what’s going on: I am currently studying for exams which start soon. So you may or may not receive an update before the 18th of November. Please be patient with me. After exams I will be free to write what I want, when I want and write longer chapters. Right now the story is getting good. Things are going to happen and it’s just going to be awesome. Obviously I need time right now to focus on my studies. Please don’t give up on my story or me. Insufferable will be completed and after exams, like I said, I will have all the time in the world to write and upload faster.
Thanks for the understanding!!! Thank you for the votes and comments and followers!! It is seriously mind blowing!!!!
Lots of hearts
Tee :D
“And it cuts like a gun
The poison in battle
Sinking straight to the blood
And it awakens you.”
Chapter 18
In the palm of my hand laid one tiny white pill, just one pill that would possibly change the course of everything. At least that’s what he said.
My mind convinced me that the pill was acid, burning through the palm of my hand and I had to let it go if I wanted to keep my hand, if I wanted to keep my life.
Would this tiny white pill make me better?
Still, I shouldn’t go around trusting vampires, there were stories of this sort of thing. They were vile creatures, with cold hearts. They showed no mercy. They were manipulative, sadistic and always looking for prey to play with.
The question of why he was so interested in me kept popping up in my head. But I couldn’t bring myself to think of an answer.
This tiny pill could be the death of me.
A pill – a drug. I didn’t need drugs. And yet a part of me wanted to swallow it, the part that wanted to forget my entire existence.
The vampire was standing next to me, his body facing mine, whilst I was turned towards the nothingness. Why was he here? What did he want?
WerewolfI stepped towards him, the Mate that was to be mine for all eternity. But before I could leap into his arms, he put his hands up, as if to tell me not to do what was an instinct. I held myself back, it confused me that he wasn't standing in front o...