Chapter 1--the drive

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Emily's p.o.v

Clank clank clank

The sound of kids walking onto the big charter busses our teachers assigned us. I sighed looking at the people in front of me. I turned around to look at my friend. Bailey, a bit taller than me, in crutches. She hugged her mom and looked at me. "What if some-" She started saying, but I cut her off. "We will be fine, if you go down, I'll go too." I said patting her back. Joanna grabbed the pole on the bus so she could get onto the bus, and walked up the metal stairs.
Clank Clank Clank

Then I walked up too, looking back every few seconds to check on Bailey. I smiled when she sat down behind me and Joanna. Since she had crutches she took up 2 seats. Which was ok. Then our reading teacher walked on and told us rules. While she was talking, Joanna gave me and Bailey some lifesavers. I gave her all the green ones. We talked for a bit. Then we noticed that's our friends Lily and belanna were sitting about five seats ahead of us. I looked over my shoulder and talked to Bailey for a bit. I took a nap, because I know that there is going to be a hike after lunch.

Clank Clank Clank

I woke up to that sound. The sound of kids walking of the bus. I grabbed my pink and purple spotted bag and started walking off with Joanna behind me. I rubbed my eyes and looked back at Bailey. She was getting off the bus. I sighed looking at the sun. "Ugh did anyone bring sunscreen" I said. "You brought some " Bailey replied. " oh yeah, thanks" I said a bit embarrassed. I rubbed some of the sunscreen on me. I started walking over to some lunch tables and grabbed my lunch. I unzipped the green lunch box and started to eat my sandwich.

~~Time skip~~

"And you are all to go and grab your bag and have an adult unlock your lodge room." said the leader of our troop. So We did. Grabbed our bags and went to our lodge room. We had Belannas mom unlock to door. We set our things down and picked our beds. The carpet was Brown and a bit stained. Our bathroom was a bit small, and creaky floor. We're on the second floor of the 3 floor lodge. Our room number 121.

Knock Knock

"Girls, your going to be late for the hike. Come on" said Belanna's mom.

I got My water bottle, hat, and my backpack all ready. So did the 3 other girls Bailey,Joanna,and Belanna. Our other friend Lily is above us and a room over. We all walked down the cement steps and were led to a white tent. The camp instructors told us what group we were in and we went into that line. Belanna was with Bailey in group 2. Me and Joanna we're in 4, and Lily in 7.

Bailey's p.o.v

As Fast as I could, I hopped over to my group,(2), and met with Belanna, we all met our group camp instructors and stated walking up a hill to get to a meeting spot.

    I was in crutches because earlier this year I had broken my knee when it dislocated, not bad enough to have surgery.

   So at the last of my healing stage, I still wanted to go to sixth grade camp. With doctors release I got to go.

   Hopping up the hill with my brown bag filled with my needed items. I made conversation with some of the other students parents who came to help. I didn't want to talk, because ew, who enjoys talking to others. I prefer staying quite, with other people, I am also afraid of public bathrooms, but that's another story for another time.

    When we got to the top of the hill, I was out of breath but quickly caught it. I got up to a seating stage like area, and settled in a seat at the bottom. Soon about ten camp (what I'm assuming) Camp instructors came up on stage, I realized they were the ones that brought us up the hill, they slowly introduced them selves one by one.

*Time Skip*

I finally got down the last little slope of the hill. Then my groups Camp instructor spoke,

" Hello! Everyone, I'm Minnie, as you just heard, but you can call me Minnow, we're as a group, going to go get a snack at the out door tables!"

  We all made our way to the snack tables, grabbing some fruit snacks and pretzels on the way.

    I met up with my friends and we sat and ate till we heard a voice,

  "Everyone head back to your cabins we are having a break time; Don't leave your cabins!"

  Slowly, the large group of 11-12 year olds gathered up their trash and backpacks and headed to their cabins.

Laughing and giggling we all walk  to the stairs to our cabin.

  " Bye Lilly!"

My group of friends shouted, including me, at our friend Lilly who was in the room above from us. I slowly but surely stepped up the stairs with my crutches.

  By the time we got to our cabins we had heard from numerous adults that we were going to a night campfire. I would be riding with my teacher, Mr. Hellyer (A/N Pronounced, Helly-year) to the campfire since everyone else was hiking and I couldn't, because of the crutches,

Darn, I thought, Thats going to be awkward..

We had Belanna's Mom unlock our cabin door, and we piled in to our cabin.

Emily laughed again, probably because of the joke Lilly told us earlier, making me giggle just thinking about it.

It was a stupid why did the chicken cross the road joke, but it still had us all laughing.

Belanna went into the restroom, and I went to my bed poorly trying to make my bed. Once I finished I laid down on it and started thinking about random stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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