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Ok so here are each of their powers. Normal mutants have one to two powers.

Vik- capacity to have more powers than a regular mutant Shadow magic, All forms of nature, and Part demon. ????

Simon-Hypnotic, telekinesis

Josh- Growth

Tobi- Healing, boost ( as in speed, strength etc )

JJ- Screech, Sound waves


Harry-Object maker ( swords and spears and stuff)

Lachlan-Speed, invisibility

Preston-Fire, lava


Jerome-Beast, animal connection

Mitch-Pinpoint accuracy, Swordsman

On with the book

Vik's Pov

I woke up in a flower garden, after I choked that boy I was knocked out. I started to panic about my whereabouts. I started to wander and explore this strangely beautiful place. Then I found a kitchen with a discussion inside. "We need this guy in our group." "Will he trust us?" "How do we handle him?" "Anyway we want because this guy will bow to us." " He is powerful and rare we will use that to finally win the war against humans and that other group." I immediately flea-ed that place. When I found the exit it turns out I was underground. When I surfaced I was met with yet again another group. One put his hand out to me and I winced thinking he would hurt me, but instead he picked me up bridal style. Once I got a good look at his face his features were.... 

Who should it be

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