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Vik's Pov

I looked up to see a boy with blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Around me was trees, benches, and a Ferris wheel that was labeled Sidemen. The boy sat me down on a bench and said "Hi, my names Harry and we're gonna need to blindfold you. For safety reasons." I nodded and said a quiet k. Once reality caught up to me I realized I was letting a complete stranger blindfold and carry me. As Harry carried to god knows where I heard an assortment of quick movements so I burned through the blindfold and saw a door to a sort of bunker. No one in this group was moving. We were surrounded by the people from before. The group that was with me were fighting them and losing. In my first attempt to help, I couldn't Harry was holding me tight and trying to run. We were about 4 yards away from the chaos and out of nowhere (RKO OUT OF NOWHERE) we were pushed to the ground by burst of fire. Harry was burnt only a small bit. My clothes were burnt, but I wasn't even though I was supposed to. "We'll be taking him. Thank you very much." Again I was being carried except this time I was handcuffed. I snapped my fingers and the cuffs disappeared and were put onto this guys hands. I recognized this guy as the guy I choked. "Not choking me this time baby." Next thing I know I am encased in a sort of obsidian. "Good luck getting out of that." with literal ease my encasement exploded and a burning sensation was at my legs. I screamed and a pulse of energy sent the guy flying into a cactus. I heard screaming coming to me I looked at harry with a sword in hand. I stopped him and he was stunned. The whole group was back and they introduced themselves as the Sidemen.

A/N hey

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