Chapter 1

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This is a picture of Trent Lutheric
English Honors 7th period-
     "The mind is weak and easily influenced by emotion. The mind brings forth illusions that often alter one's personal state and can often cause their bodies to behave in an abnormal manner. However, these changes are highly important to everyone because in order to be living you have to be able to adapt. Therefore, a life with no human emotion would prove to be not a life at all."

        "That theory is quite interesting to say the least but very flawed if you ask me. I mean really you're saying that we aren't living if we don't feel anything. That is not right in the slightest just because we don't feel doesn't mean that we won't adapt and even if it did you mean to tell me that all the other requirements on the checklist for living characteristics wouldn't matter?" The eyes all land on me once again waiting for my rebuttal to Stacy Greenwoods claim. The argument at hand was beneficial to all the juniors that hadn't done the reading or their outlines for today's assignment. As I look around I realize I didn't have a rebuttal for this part of the discussion.


    "Well, everyone we are going to have to wait until tomorrow to finish this debate. The bell will be ringing soon so pack up and I'll see you tomorrow." The sub was trying so hard to be nice and cool that it was sort of getting annoying, but in a weird way it brought my day up. I knew that other people in the class were hardly paying attention to her so out of the kindness of my heart I smiled and waved goodbye before leaving the room after the bell had sounded off. I watched as
Stacy Greenwood sauntered out of the class room in a hurry and pushed past all the poor unsuspecting first-years that flooded the halls. "Get the hell out of my way you ugly cow! Geez don't you know who I am you dumb bitch?"

The hall got quiet and the movement came to a stop as everyone watched the scene unfold before them. Stacy was yelling at a smaller girl with short brown ringlets that fell delicately around her face as her curls escaped the messy bun on the top of her head. She was pretty but not the way Stacy was pretty or any of the Diamonds were pretty. Stacy had a tan long model like body and had long wavy golden curls that would never out of place. Stacy took great pride in the way looked and never let anyone forget just how 'perfect' she thought she was. The Diamonds where her little group of puppy dogs that followed her everywhere the to her every need. Stacy didn't like anything that wasn't pretty so the Diamonds Becca, Ness, Peyton, and Shai all had to look accordingly or she ripped them all a new one.

The girl stood with her arms wrapped around her chest and her head down visibly shaking in front of the growing crowd. Stacy was growing inpatient with the silence and this would be bad for everyone that didn't get her what she wanted. This time she wanted a fight and she sure as hell wasn't leaving without one. The girl began to softly apologize as she tried desperately to push right past Stacy and her pets. This proved to be the last straw that would push Stacy into one of her fits of rage. Stacy pushed the girl back knocking her to the ground and pushing the curls from around
her face revealing two round beautiful sapphire blue eyes. The girl sprang to her feet quickly just as Stacy began to advance on her as she let out a laugh that sounded like pixies screaming in pain. The hall erupted in laughter while Stacy viciously attacked the girls small frame with her jet black heel causing screams of terror to rip through the crumpled body on the floor. The Diamonds cheered on their bosses cruel beating encouraging the rest of the students to join in the howling. The screams eventually came to a stop as Stacy panted and backed away from the other girl to examine her work.

" I...I'm...s-sorry.." whispered the girl as she began to get her shaking beaten body onto her knees. Stacy raised her hand high and began to whip it down toward the girl but stopped abruptly as a director husky voice rang out through the hall over all the laughter and cheering. " Stacy Greenwood of the Northern rouges as the Heir of the moon goddesses children I order you to apologize to this poor girl and bow to your soon to be king." a tall muscular figure cut through the crowd and towered over the Diamonds as they all dropped to their knees and bowed their heads. He ignore the scum at his feet and walked straight toward Stacy with cold beautiful blue eyes that matched the tiny girl on the ground. Stacy glared and lowered to her knees letting a low rumbling growl shake her body. The man smirked and grabbed her face leaning close to Stacy's ear and whispered.

" If you don't drop your head right now I will smack your face into the floor just like I do to my puppy when he takes a piss on the floor. Are you a bad dog Greenwood?" his hot breath fanned her ear and ruffled her hair causing her to shiver. He stood still holding her face squeezing harder as he barked for her to answer him. She yelped and whimpered as she clawed at his massive hand around her face.

" Trent....STOP!!!.. I mean please let her go." the curly haired girl stood firmly behind the man and slowly placed a petite hand on his massive arm. He dropped Stacy from his grip and turned to the other girl pulling her into his arms holding her tight. " Lilica are you ok?" He ran his thumb over her swollen cheek and snarled as Lilica winced away from his touch.

"Yes, I'm fine my love. " She replied with a small smile and kind eyes.


Well there is the first chapter and so far my dears you have met the lovely:
Sage Adams-
Age; 17
Sage was abandoned as a pup and found by a mortal couple who lived in the heart of town. Once Sage had developed her lunar mark at 10 years old the couple she had come to know and love soon disappeared leaving her alone in a massive house with no one but the maid who was as old as dirt.

Stacy Greenwood-
Age; 19
Stacy was born into the pack that inhabits the North woods with 5 other rouge packs which is where the other members of the Diamonds come from.

Lilica Waters-
Age; 18
Lilica is a small, petite curly haired SilverBlood. She comes from a long line of Silvers which rule over the other packs seeing how the Silvers are the ones with the purest bloodline and a direct relation to the moon goddess herself. Most of which make it known, however , Lilica prefers to live her life on the same level as everyone else just as the goddess had.

And last but not least...

Trent Lutheric-
Age; 21
Trent is the mate of Lilica Waters and the heir of the SilverBlood throne. He is the youngest of his siblings but has proven to have the Lunar Guardians mark just as his twin brother Alec has. Both are half of a whole and must find suitable mates before they are appointed to their thrones.

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