Chapter 2

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This is a pretty little picture of the ever lovely Alec Lutheric. The lunar gaze is his blessing with the mark he shares with his twin brother Trent Lutheric from the Guardians of the Lunar Goddess.


It had been about 4-5 hours since the hallway beat down earlier today and much to everyones surprise Stacy was no where to be seen. The rumor that she was sobbing in the girls bathroom was not the least bit true. The only thing that was true about the whole story was that some random girl was sobbing but it wasn't Stacy. After Lilica had been saved by the man with the sapphire blue eyes Stacy had ran off in a ball of hot boiling scared rage as she slowly realized the girl she thought was a freshman was actually a SilverBlood and the mate of the most famous twin of all time. He was a god just with his looks and the pack as well as mundane women wanted nothing more than to be the one he held onto in bed. Though sleeping around wasn't really Trent's style, on the other hand Alec was his very attractive twin who felt the heartbeat of practically every girl in the pack... that is except for me.

I have only ever met Alec once before and that had been the wildest experience of my life. The moon was full and the night air was damp and chilly but no one noticed the chill that would have threatened a mundane as the mass of bodies pulsed through the leaves and bumped to the beat of the music that ran with the cool breeze back into the town down South of the Creek. No mundane had ever passed the Creek so the club was a private place where the wild fire pack members crowded and indulged themselves in blissful sin. The nights children took many forms at the club but most stayed in their human forms. Those who were blessed with the moons luminous silver drop that ran through all the club goers veins were gifted with unnatural beauty that often caught the lust filled eyes of the mundanes. These forms also brought the goddesses mark that made everyone different come out into plain sight.

These marks are paired to another child of the moon and would draw you to your mate with uncontrollable sexual appeal. My mark is an intricate pattern that spiraled around every inch of my tan skin and connected just above the small of my back like some tribal tattoo. It once had been an insecurity of mine up until I had turned 15 and had started to grow into my form. This created a lot of favorable attention and got me in the most trouble. The music was pulsing through the floor and into ever inch of my body as the hands that gripped my full hips pulled me back into a hard chest and pressed a hard member between my legs. The heat that was radiated off the both of us went cold as a pair of magnificent ash gray eyes pierced through the crowd and watched my every move. The eyes watched as I wrapped myself around this heated body and let this stranger close the space between us. Just as his hands moved from mine and over the convergence of my spiraling mark two bars ripped me from the warmth of the opposite body and into the cool air around me.

"Don't touch her you piss poor jackass." A husky voice barked out from behind me. The bars I had felt before were still holding me fiercely pressing my hips onto his member that began to twitch as I squirmed and tried to turn so as to get a better view of the man behind me. Just as I turned completely the bars wrapped tighter round me and pressed the guys erection between my legs and against my slip. A low groan sounded and fanned my ear with hot air causing a shiver to run down my spine and another groan escaped the lips of its owner. "Woman if you keep moving like that I swear that you will not walk home tonight."

I looked at the pained face before me and realized it was Alec Lutheric who looked as if his shoes didn't fit quite right anymore. But I knew the pained look on his face wasn't because his shoes didn't fit but rather his pants were getting uncontrollably tight a his bulge grew bigger. My skin tingled under his touch as his hand slid to my waist and explored the soft sensitive skin hidden under the waistband of my skinny jeans. The pressure of Alec's grip on my waist tightened and pulled a low growl from his lips after soft whimper passed through my teeth into his ear. The music was still beating like a heart the was trapped just below the surface for the Earth that send life through every moon blessed child that lingered in the woods. Alec lifted me off the ground and wrapped my legs around his waist placing his hard member against my sensitive clit. I began to push and squirm but there was no use if anything it made the tension between us greater and it increased the pressure between my legs.

" What are you doing?" I couldn't think of anything else to say at the moment because the pleasure that burned through me was taking over. My lunar mark felt like fire and ice as Alec ran his rough fingertips further up the hem of my shirt tracing the ink black pattern that cover every inch of my olive skin. Nothing felt better then to feel his touch on my buzzing skin and then to feel his hot breath fan over my ear as he pressed harder into me and let out soft begging groans. The wolf in me was begging to be one with him to feel his rough touch over every inch of my skin, nothing more than to fall into the dark abyss of lust and longing that radiated from Alec's skin along with his abnormally warm body heat. Alec placed small sweet kisses on the edge of my jaw and down the side of my neck lifting me higher so as to more delicate kisses on the exposed skin just below my collar bone.

"A-Alec~" A low moan escaped in a sigh before I could stop it. Alec had stiffened and his grip on me got tighter as he started walking quickly to the woods back to town. The music faded to further we went into the woods but the sound of kisses and moaning from other couples grew louder as we passed multiple strangers making love on the fallen leaves and moon lit grass. I was still wrapped around Alec as he walked into town and straight to a big manor I had passed everyday on my way home. We entered the gates and passed through the front doors before finally letting me down to close the door and locking it behind him.

"Is this your place? I mean I know this is your place or you wouldn't have been able to get in but I mean just wow... This is your place like all yours, just you no one else but you all the time everyday. Isn't that lon-" My meaningless babbling was cut short as two lips crashed against mine painfully. I squealed as his arms lifted me and pressed my back against the hard cold wall pressing Alec's erection between my legs hard making my back arc as I rolled my head back. Taking advantage of the exposed skin he nipped, sucked, and kissed my neck leaving small tender bruises. I threw my arms around his neck as he lifted his head so we were eye to eye.

His mark was trapped in his beautiful cloudy storm grey eyes that pierced my heart making my breath catch and my chest hurt. I wanted him and I wanted him now even if it meant the I would stop breathing it would be worth all the pain in the world to be overwhelmed by his hurricane grey eyes. The more I looked into his eyes the safer I felt the more I felt whole like the world was in his eyes and nothing could take me away from it. It was like watching a storm form over the ocean changing the sky and sea from brilliant blue to an even steal grey that became so intense like a wave that roared over you from the storm that suddenly swallowed you whole and kept you locked in the depths of the ocean as it sweeps you away from everything you know.

If this is what it meant to find your mate, to feel like you could die at any moment but you still would plunge into the unknown then...

"Alec... Take me~" I begged with a whispered breath and before I could take back what I had said his mouth was on mine like the first wave that would sweep you from the world you knew into the dark abyss that awaited our sinful actions to come. The kiss was a burning blissful that radiated off every inch of our exposed skin to fill the room with the fire that coursed through our veins that could only be calmed by the other but never completely smothered with our bodies. Though we were no longer in the woods the pulse of our heartbeats were reverberating through both of us like the bass of the blaring music.

Alec was slowly sliding his hands up my shirt and tracing small circles around my skin when the lights filled the room and burnt out with a loud popping noise. We flew off each other and scanned the room only to make eye contact, Alec moved back to me and grabbed my trembling hand but the minute our fingers touched a spark of light leaped between us ripping a pained shriek from me.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter I am going on a trip soon so I will have lots of time to write on the plane. So please stay patient I will update another chapter on what happens next with Mr. Alec Lutheric.

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Until next time sleep well my children and may the moon continue to bless you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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