The Lesson of the Compass

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There once was a guy named Wesley. Wesley owned a world-famous drink manufacturer called Diabetes in a Bottle. His sales were lowering so he needed a new product on the market. He thought. He died because he thought too hard.

There once was a guy name Westley. Westley owned a world-famous drink manufacturer called Health in a Bottle. His products did not sell because no-one wants healthy food. He died of starvation because he did not accumulate enough income to buy food.

There once was a guy names Eastly. Eastly owned a world-famous drink manufacturer called Diabetes in a Bottle. His sales were lowering so he needed a new product on the market. He thought. He decided he would make anew drink, the Lard. He vacuum all the lard off of Tatiana and became the richest man on earth because his product was so desired. His money was so abundant that his whole house was filled with Benjamin Franklins, and he had no where to live. He was then homeless, and he died a few weeks later because diseases are common on the streets.

Amazing, right?

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