My Own Help

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Jacob hopped from roof to roof, looking for almost any trouble to get involved with. His eyes watched around like a hawk for anyone needing help, any Blighters that need roughing up, or just some good old fashion mayhem to cause. He came to a stop on a worn rooftop when his ears picked up on a disturbance. Jacob quickly went to the ledge and peered down the front of the house. There were three Blighters and a pretty woman.

"Your payment for our protection due, (Y/N)." One of the Blighters said casually. "And we don't care about your sick mum."

"I never wanted your protection in the first place." She shot back.

"Now you don't want us to break your pretty lil face now do ya' doll?" Another threatened. "Or hurt your mother." The blighters all chuckled with each other while (Y/N) kept a glare on her face. Jacob growled silently at these asses for threatening the girl. Having enough of their bullying, the assassin jumped down rather loudly with a smug look. The blighters turned around with shocked faces at the 'king of the rooks' behind them.

"Well boys-" But Jacob couldn't finish what he wanted to say. One by one each of the men in the signature blighter red fell to the ground completely knocked out. Frye looked down in shocked and back to the woman he was going to help.

"Don't threaten my mother." (Y/N) growled while waving her fist. "Thank you for distracting them for me. Glad you jumped down when you did!"

"Oh- uh yeah." He stuttered. "I was going to help but I see you can handle yourself."

"I'm my own help." She smiled, which he gave a goofy one of his own. "I am glad you tried taking a stand to those nasty Blighters; not many would come to my aid."

"I am just doing my job to try and handle these assholes."

"So what's your name, top-hat?" She giggled and he rolled his eyes.

"The name is Jacob Frye, may I get the rest of your name?"

"(Y/N) (L/N). Will I ever see you again, top-hat?"

"Possibly." He smirked and glanced up at the slowly darkening sky. "My sister is probably worrying about me as we speak; I'll have to go now. Will you and your mother be alright?"

"Yes, I think I can handle the both of us. Be safe alright?"

"Safe is...not my middle name." He chuckled. "I'll be sure to visit tomorrow, though."

"I cannot wait, top-hot." Jacob smirked and pulled (Y/N) into a a quick hug before using his grappling hook to get up on the roof. He sent (Y/N) a wave before running off, leaving her with a grin on her face.

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