
121 2 2

157 cm tall :3

"Don't think that you can run away from me you stupid stuff! "
Two gangsters were chasing after you.
Drifting across the abandoned parking lot with tons of abandoned vehicles, you tried your best everywhere trying to shake off the guy with a horse face who was chasing after you.
"Ughh, what the heck am I doing with my life?" You mummbled while running.


"If you are not good enough to get to university then I'll just pretend not having you as my child,"
Once again, you were scolded by your father. Just hours ago you received your mathematics exam paper and failed once again.

"Fu*k my life." You looked at the paper after coming out from your father's room. He have always wanted you to be the 'perfect girl', but you just couldn't keep yourself up with it.

Running to your room and burying your face into your pillow, you sobbed.
"He never will be fulfilled. I just don't wanna study anymore!"
Thinking about your life, it is just a frustration. Your parents were always complaining about everything you did and not being good enough.
You were so done with this frustrating life already.
Maybe its the right time for you to run away and escape the cage that you"re locked up in.

Packing your belongings, you noticed your family photo on your desk. Your parents were standing together with you and your little brother.
You sighed.

Opening the front door, you looked back into the house.
"There's no turning back anymore."

You've ran away for about three months already.


"Gotcha little stuff!" The horse face guy grabbed your arm and you realized you were caught.
"Dahhh let go of me!"
"What should we do with her, Jean?" said the guy who soon stopped behind him.
You looked up with your eyes begging.
"This is what you get when you try stealing my bread. Do you know who I am? I'm Jean the Great!"
The almost bald guy clapped his hands cheering for him.
"...Great? You look like a hor---"
"I look like a what?!" Jean stared at you fiercely.
"N-nothing. Okay I just thought the bread was nobody's so I---"
"Just shut up and come with me already!" He said while grabbing your shirt collar.
"Where are you taking meee!" You struggled.

"Where the hell are we going! I thought you were calling the cops or something..."
"Well little stuff, the cops have no controll of us. If we call the cops we will be in trouble too cuz--"
"Why are you fu*kin telling her so much, Connie? That little stuff doesn't deserve it,"
"Hey, my name is not stupid stuff, its (y/n)! And where the hell are you taking me to?!"
"To another short stuff, hahahaha!"
Jean laughed wickedly. Connie then joined him with his laughter.
What jerks they are, you thought.
By the way, what do they mean 'another short stuff?' You wondered who he is.

Slamming the door shut, Jean grabbed hold of your shirt collar and pulled you out.
Looking upwards, you noticed you were standing in front of an entrance of a not-so-tall building.
The entrance was two iron doors and a letter hole was on the left one.
"Where the heck are we?"
"No questions, just move." Jean pushed you in front of the doors.
He knocked the door furiously and shouted, "Hey let us in!"
A guy with black hair opened the left door and stood right in front of you.
"Oh its Jean amd Connie. Hey, who's this lovely dovey doing here?"
"Lovely dovey? I would not call her that! She tried to steal my bread!"
"NO I---"
"Oh haha, so someone pissed Jean off again. Just get in already. Call me Tyler."
You mounted your feet across the concrete stair and managed yourself into the place. It was nothing but like an extra large inn. There were tables and chairs lined up perfectly and the people sitting around were all...well, gangsters. The typical gangster shirts, pants and even hairstyles.
"Look what we've got here! A little mouse,"
A guy with dyed blond hair stood on his chair with his right leg.
"Hey, don't do this! Levi will definitely kill you!" The guy sitting beside him patted his leg.
"Oh hell sake, I totally forgot about it."
You found this hilarious and couldn't help yourself laugh out a little.
"Who is Levi?" You asked.
"The person we're about to take you to! By the way, where's Levi?"
"He left the table a while ago. I'm not sure where he is, " The blonde guy stated.
"Uhhh. So what now?" Jean grumbled.
"Uhm, can I maybe... go to the bathroom please? My bladder can't hold stuff anymore..."
"No ladies' here, sorry!" Jean joked while you were pissed.
"Jean, don't be a jerk, girl I'll take you to the bathroom." Tyler grabbed your hand and pulled you to go.

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