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I took my shower, Tae rewrapped my leg, and I found a plain white shirt in his closet and he gave me his ex's leather jacket. Not gonna lie, it was cute. The outfit came together when I tied my hair in a fishtail braid on the side. I wasn't hating the black skirt as much as I thought I would.

"I really liked that cafe we went to last time, can we go again?" I asked, I heard they started making blueberry pancakes.

"So my favorite place to go is growing on you huh?" The soft breeze in his hair and his box smile made him look so good.

We decided to walk because it wasn't that far and it was a nice day.

"How's your leg?" He asked.

"Hurts but, it could be worse." I faked a smile and kept on walking. 

"Are you lying to me?"  He jumped in front of  me and bent to where he was face level with me then tilted his head.

"No?"  I scoffed and tried to get around him.  He hoped back in front on me but this time he was facing away and his butt was sticking toward me.

"Get on."  He ordered. 

"What?"  I'm not about to get on his back.

"Just get on my back." 

"I can walk."  I kept trying to get around him but everytime I tried, he just kept hopping in front of me like a annoying kangaroo.

"Ugh!  Fine!"  I gave in because the pain in my leg grew worse and worse.

"Yay!"  I jumped up onto his back and wrapped my legs around his waist.  My arms were holding onto his shoulders and he secured my legs with his arms also making sure my skirt wouldn't fly up.

  Why is this boy being so kind to me, I yelled at him last night and was a bitch to him.

"How did I wind up in your bed last night?" I looked over his shoulder at his face, I looked like a child.

"Well, you fell asleep in the car, I dropped Jeongguk off at one of our friends and I carried you to my room and let you sleep there." He just kept looking forward and watching his wavy blonde hair hang above his eyes was so cute.

"Then how did I chan- Did you change me?!" I pretty much yelled in his face.

"Ugh no! You were wearing my boxers under my sweatpants remember! Sometime last night you must've taken off the sweatpants!" That does actually does make sense.

"Besides, my ego isn't that fucked up." Aw tin man does have a heart.

We walked passed a few more buildings until we reached the café. There were way more people there than last time, I mean, last time it was during school hours. But it's Saturday morning so I should've thought about it before just putting it out there as a option.

"I can go in and get our food to go and we can eat at the park or something if you'd like?" I haven't been to the park in years it feels like.

"Sounds good." He set me down on a bench right outside. I told him what I wanted and he went inside to order. It's gonna be so weird going back to school and him avoiding me like he did before. We've been going to the same school since 5th grade but, we never talked that much. He was always the cool kid that was popular with the girls and always on the teachers bad side. As for me, people hated me because I've "known" Taehyung for so long but, they don't stop spitting on me to let me explain. I kinda just gave up on trying to explain and pretty much welcomed everyone who wanted to bash me.

After about 10 minutes Tae had only moved up in the line a little and I was spacing off.

"Hana?"  Someone was calling my name.

"Park Hana?"  I looked in the direction where the voice was coming from and saw a girl who was around my age.

"Yes?"  I couldn't see her face because the sun was too bright to see.

"Oh my gosh!  Hi!"  She sat next to me.  This girl is full of energy ugh.

"Um, hi."  She reminds me of a squirrel, her voice is high and she is extremely happy.

"You don't remember me?"  Her expression turned to really shocked,  am I supposed to know her?

"Sorry,  I don't talk to many people."  And honestly, I don't really care to talk to you either.  I didn't say that out loud, it's "too rude".

"My bad!  I'm Baek Minsoo!  You can call me Mini if you'd like!  I'm in your Gym class!"  She held a friendly smile while introducing herself.  I guess she's not that bad.

"Oh yea, I guess you do look familiar now that I think of it."  I smiled and for once, it wasn't completely forced.

"I'm glad you remember me!"  She giggled;

"Are you waiting on someone?"  She asked.

"Yea, a friend."  I would glance at her when I spoke and then glance back down at my hands.  I'm not good in social situations.

"Oh that's cool, who?"  I'm happy she wants to talk but, why to me?

"Just a friend". If she's from school she'd probably tell every girl in school that I'm with Tae and I'd get attacked even more.

"Oh come on!  We're friends!"  That's an overstatement.

"Actually I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back."  I stood up and limped inside to go the the bathroom,  Tae was finally at the front receiving out food.  I asked if he could wait outside.

  I got into the bathroom and looked in the mirror,  wow,  I look like a gargoyle.  I checked my leg and flung some water on my face to cool me off and to maybe stop sweating so much.  I shouldn't be nervous to talk to someone from school it's a normal thing to do. 

  After I exited the bathroom I saw something I was hoping I wasn't gonna see.  Alright Hana, prepare this next week for tsunamis of spit.

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