Hogwarts chapter 1

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My Brothers and i went to the train station, my first day to hogwarts.

"Lj i dont want to go" i said "i know aj but you going to be ok and make friends" Lj said

"And make sure you write to us and tell us what house you get in" nick said

"She will get in gryffindor nick just like us" lj said. "Will you write back?" i ask them

"yes baby sister" nick said and kiss my forehead,

"Now get on the train and meet some friends" lj said and kiss my forehead and hug me and

i went on the train and try to find a seat 5 mins later, i found a seat and there a boy

with black hair and green eyes and glasses. "Hi can i sit here with you?" i ask the boy

"sure" the boy said, i seat down about to open my mouth when a another boy with red head

and he said "Hi do yall mind everyelse is full?" "not at all" Harry and i said together

and he sit down and said "Im ron by the way, ron weasley" "hi im alex jefferson" i said

"Hi im harry, harry potter" he said. Mine's and ron's eyes went wide and ron said

"So it true do you really have" "what?" harry ask "the scar" i said "oh yeah" harry said

and push up his hair with his hand and show us his scar "cool" i said, "wicked" ron said

and a lady came to us and said "Anything for you dears?" "no thanks i all set" ron said

and show us his sandwich. Harry and i put our hands in our pocket and both said

"we take alot" and pulll out lot of gallons "whoa" ron said. And we got alot of candy to eat,

We eat untill we cant eat no more and ron said "This my rat sceaer(sp?), George gave me a

spell to turn him yellow, yall wanna see?" "yeah" harry and i said Ron grab his wand and

about to say but a girl with bush hair came at the door and look around and said

"Does anyone seen a toad a boy named neville lost one, oh you going to do a spell let's see then"

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow!" Ron said and nothing happen

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? " the girl said and came in and sit down

aross(sp?) from harry and piont her wand at his glasses and said a spell and harry's glasses was

good as new and she said "holy crike(sp?) your harry potter, im hermione granger and yall are?"

"Im alex jefferson but call me aj" i said "im ron weasley" ron said. "You three better change

to your robes, we going to be there soon" she said and got up and left out the door but then

came back and look at ron and said "You've got dirt on your nose. Did you know? Just there",

And she left And yall got to hogwarts and we got off the train and we heard

"First years, you alot, first years" a big man said, we walk up the man and he said "hello harry"

"hey hagrid" harry said ron and i said "whoa" "this way follow me" hagird said and we got in

the boats and about 5 mins later we see a caslte "everybody this is hogwarts" hagrid said

"Wow my brothers didnt tell me it's so beautifull" i said. Everybody got out the boats and walk

to the front and we see a woman standing there i look up and see my grandmother, and she said

"welcome to hogwarts, before you pass thougth these door you all got to be sorted into your

houses, there are gryffindor, ravenclaw, hufflepuff and slytherin. Now your house is like your

family you get points for good dees, any rule braking and you will lose points" Professor McGonagall said

And she left.We was all taking and then we heard

So it's true then, what they were saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts"

We look to our left and see a blond boy and he said "This is cabbe and goyle and im malfoy, draco malfoy"

Ron and i laughed "Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask you yours. Red hair... and a hand-me-down robe... you must be a Weasley and you are" draco said

"Jefferson, Alex jefferson and that all you need to know" i said and everybody ohh and laughed

"You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there"draco said and looking at me and ron

"I think I can choose the wrong sort for myself, thanks" harry said and my grandmother came back and said "follow me"

and she went to the door and they open by theyself and we all walk in. "it just bewicthed to look like the night sky i read it about in the hogwarts a histoy" hermione said

"I think im going to like it here" i said

Hermione, Ron, Harry, and myself got in Gryffindor and a new start on Friendship.

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