Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Family <3 For supporting my every needs

I didn't go to school today. I couldn't let people see me like this, so instead, I led them to think I am just getting the house ready for the party, which is partially true?

If nobody comes to this party, then I have no idea what is going to happen to me. I guess my status going lower means one thing. Melain. She always wanted to rule the school, but when I came along, I took that spot from her. Then that one night, that one night at the party ruined it all. James was there and, we were all so drunk.I did what they asked for, and it humiliated him. Probably even scared him for life. Every time I see him, I could see the Etty little bit of hurt flashing through his eyes, but "no" is not something in my vocabulary list. I have to follow through all instruction clearly and that's just about it. If this party turns out well, I am hoping to get a new boyfriend. Drake was kind of popular, but to bring my status high, either I need a loser boyfriend, or a super duper popular boyfriend. The nerdy one, I will be high stats, but everyone would loose their respect for me. I think I am going to go with the popular one. It's the only way.

It is only 3:00, and the party doesn't start until late. I am hoping to just chills before someone comes. Hm, maybe I'll watch a movie! Just like good times.

I walked towards my movie collection and pulled out The Incredible. Yes, I am still a child. When nobody's around, I act like one. I set the movie in the DVD player, and went to go microwave some popcorn. Hm, maybe some coke too. OOH! And chips please!

After 15, All my food was set out on the table, and the movie had just started playing. Half way through the movie, the doorbell rung. What the heck? The party doesn't start at 5:00! Okay whatever, I shall just put my act on now. Opened the door slowly to find James Anderson standing there. Huh?

James POV

"Okay, man, what was that?" Kyle asked me.

"I-I don't know" I said confused.

"I think you know. Ever since 2 years ago, somethings been up between you two, and I want answers now" He said.

We were just calmly walking through the forest, when Chloe came out of nowhere, and damn, she looked like a mess. I know somethings up with her because she never led people to believe she was weaker than them. But, I could see right through that. That night, two years ago, I found out who the true Chloe was. Yeah, I did hate her before I found out, but, I forgave her because she didn't need another person at the top of her hate and who hates me list.

"So?" Kyle said.

"Look Kyle, I don't know okay? I just need to think. You don't need to be all up in my face do you?" I asked frustrated.

"Sorry man" He said

I sighed. I had been frustrated already, and Kyle just gets on my nerves all the time.

"Look, I'm leaving to go home" I said.

By the time I had walked home, I had been exashted. I think I'm going to bed. I opened the door t my house and yelled I'm home to my parents and my sister.

"Home so early? You should of stayed later!" She exclaimed.

"Not in the mood Tina"  said.

"Aw, did something happen to poor Jamie?" She asked.

"Shut the hell up man! Just get lost. And its James not Jamie!" I yelled.

Tina is my twin sister. She is honestly so annoying, and she calls me Jamie too, which is a name I absolutely hate! Ugh! I am just going to sleep!

I woke up next morning to The one that got away.Really now? A girl song?

I got up and out of my bed and got ready for school. I hated school. So .Much.

The day went by in a blur, but I didn't see Chloe today. I guess she is getting ready for the party as her status said? Or maybe something happened! What if it did! Then what will happen. Oh no!Oh no oh no oh no! After this day ends, I am going straight to her house.

I was looking at the clock. Come on. RING! I stuffed my books in my bag, and sped off to my car. I needed to get to her. But just because of my amazing luck, Melaine stopped me.

"Oh hey James" She said in her ugly screechy voice.

"Hi" I said. Honestly, I didn't want to see her face today.

"So, you coming to the party? Today?" She said, her fingertips tracing down my chest.

"Um no, I have to go" I said.

"Wait! You should come" She said.

"Whatever" I said, and got into my car, speeding off.

I reached her house in record time. I jumped out and ran to the door, ringing the doorbell. A few moments later Chloe opened the door with a scowl on her face. Shit. What do I say now?

Chloe's POV

"James? What are you doing here?" I asked in confusion.

"Well, you wren't at school today, so I came to check up on you" He said.

"I'm a big girl" I said.

"Two years ago? I would of differed" He said.

I shuddered.

"Two years ago makes a big change" I said." You don't need to worry about me. Look I get it you care, but I don't need caring people in my life, now if you excuse me, I need to set up for a party"

A flash of hurt washed through his yes.

"Sorry Clover, I ju-

"Don't call me that. I am Chloe. Clover is something that we will never speak about" I said turning all angry.

"Chloe, stop. Why did everything change? Why did you do it?" He asked.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

"I didn't have a choice" I whispered."What?" He asked.

"Uh, nothing. Now I have to go. So bye" I said closing the door. I slumped down to the floor and burst into tears. He's right. Why did everything have to change?


Short Chapter, but I promise to upload soon and try to make it long chapter. And sorry about jumping to different POV'S but I think it will really help the story!

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Being edited **** As well as all the other chapters ************************************************************

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