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I stand up from my desk, having completed my test, and I walk from my desk to the door to leave the classroom.

"Excuse me. Connor, where do you think you're going?" My teacher, Ms. Greene, asked suddenly as I reached the door.

"Err... bathroom. Emergency." I lied.

"Ask first!" She says sternly.

"Err... Bathroom?" I say with an inquisitive tone.

"Just go!" She yelled, causing most of my classmates to look from their papers. I heard snickering in the back. Most likely Garrett Johansen with his gullible friends.

I leave the class and immediately head down the hallway to the entrance and exit of the building.

"One week left and I'm done with this dump forever." I say to myself looking up at the clear blue sky. I've been bored for weeks. There's nothing to do.

I take an object out of my pocket. A small, square shaped object. It looks like it's engraved with a skull. It seems as though i can't ever get rid of it. It's in my pocket when I sleep and when I'm at school. I always remove it, but somehow it's still there. Still in my pocket to draw questions from my mind. Almost like a dark charm.

I'm putting way too much thought into this. There's a reason for everything.

I stand up, stuffing the item into my pocket and turn around to head back into the building.

Did it just get cold all of a sudden? I begin to feel chills and a breath of air flowing throughout the school grounds. The dark clouds must have something to do with it. They're covering the sun, but... the sky was clear a moment ago.

I'm putting way too much thought into this. This isn't happening for no reason.

I head back into the building, noticing that ten minutes have passed ever since I left the room.

Wait. Footsteps? No, no. It's one of the staff. Don't turn around, Connor! Just look forward. This is just like the stories. It's him.

There's nothing to worry about. Just a cold front. I step through the doorway and walk further down the hall. Looking through the window, I see Ms. Greene reading a book and the other students in the back working on their tests.

The door is locked. He has you trapped, Connor!

No. I'm letting my paranoia get the best of me. This door is always locked on the outside. I knock on the door, but no one looks my way. Hell, I barely even heard my own knocking.

I knock again, harder this time. No sound. Haven't you figured it out, Connor? You're trapped!

There's nothing to worry about. Just a little problem with my ears. I bet that Ms. Greene realized how long I'd been gone and decided to leave me out of the classroom. No big whoop. Wait 'til she sees my test. She'll be glad to welcome me back in after that.

I sit on the ground next to the door and check my watch again. The time is 1:03.

I'm not what you'd call a very involved student. Never any extra-curricular activities. No school sprit. Just a straight 4.0 GPA going on ever since the 5th grade. That'll get me into any of the prestigious schools across the US. I've not failed a test since 3rd grade and I don't ever fall behind on my work.

I sit here by the door long enough for class to have ended. But no one's left. I stand and look back through the door window. No one's moved. Ms. Greene is still in the same position she was in.

I look at my watch. The time is... 1:03? Still? All time has stopped, Connor. You lose!

I'm confused. I've been sitting here for almost a full hour. Why hasn't my watch changed? A malfunction, surely, or the battery? Surely one of those two. You lie to yourself, Connor!

I look around the school and see nothing. A greater problem. Why wasn't anyone leaving their classes? It feels like hours have passed.

"Confused?" A voice said behind me.

As I turned, I saw the strange being that was, The Reaper of Death.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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