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She knew what day it was. Yes, how could she forget. It was one of the most important dates in her life that she had to remember. And yet... it didn't feel so special at all.

Today was her birthday, the day she was born.


From what she'd read in her books, a birthday was a wonderul day. The birthday girl or boy would have a party, with cake and games and balloons and streamers. There'd be confetti all over the floor and at the end of the party, everyone would dance away at some sort of tune. Lots of happy memories would be made, and everyone would go home feeling excited about their own birthdays.

Everyone would give the birthday person nice gifts, be it a surprise one or a gift the birthday person had been wanting for some time. And, well, everyone would just simply have fun together.

What would she want as a birthday gift, anyway? Maybe...a different life? Maybe an active and adventurous one, perhaps?

It's not that she wasn't grateful for the life she has now, oh no. After all, her mother had always told her to be grateful for what she had because "some people dont even have a roof to cover their heads". She understood this perfectly well, but...

As grateful as she was, she couldn't help but yearn for more. She wanted the outside world. Oh, how she wished she had the bravery, the courage to wander out and explore the forest that surrounds her abode. Who knows, maybe she'll find a friend? Someone she could talk to, someone she could tell all her happy moments to, and release all the bottled up feelings she might have. She wanted someone whom she could trust and could trust her. Someone she could have fun with everyday and melt away all her boredom. Someone who could rescue her from all the loneliness she'd felt.

She sighed. As much as she longed for the outside world, she was 1. not strong enough, probably and 2. too freaking afraid.

Strength. Courage. Wouldn't that be a nice gift?

She looked outside the window. A small white bird had landed on a tree branch.


Usually, during those times when her mom was still around, they'd read stories together. They'd make her favourite desserts, and sing songs together. Her mom would always find something to give her as a birthday presents, and she always wondered how she did it, considering they didn't exactly have much. You know, living in the forest and all. A smile that hid a stroke of sadness in it carved itself on her face as she thought back to all the good times.

That would be a cool present, too. Getting her mom back.


Turning the page of the book she'd been reading, she thought about the future.

It's not like she was afraid of dying, or so she thought. Just about what exactly to do with her life. Since her lifespan (hypothetically, if she never got into any danger or anything) and rate of ageing meant she wasn't getting old and rusty anytime soon, she figured that a lot of people would love to switch places with her. Well, the stuck in a forest part, not sure. But, she was sure that a few people would love the idea of living a long time and ageing slowly, and there were people who deserved a long life more than her.

She wondered if she could, somehow, trade places with someone. That would be really nice, she thought. Even if it's for a little while, she'd love to have the chance to go out and explore. Now, wouldn't that be a nice gift.


After taking another sip of the rosemary tea, she poured another glass for herself, turned the pristine pages of the old, dusty book and looked outside.

Well, as long as she had her imagination, it couldn't be that bad, now could it?


a/n: this was so bad i can feel it and i have no idea where i was going
anyways happy bday marry baby ily

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