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1. this sequel WILL contain new characters and definitely OUTSIDE of monsta x. if you're uncomfortable with that, you can leave this book and its fine
2. ofc english is not my prime language so there will be grammatical errors and misspelling, especially mingyu of svt's name. if you are bothered by those mistakes, feel free to correct it
3. please behave and dont be rude. i want people reading this book to feel at peace.

thankyou and have a great read!


• Aira's pov •

After that opening night, my family explained everything and I swear I've never seen mom so happy. I almost thought she consumed too much 'sugar'. Apparently, Monsta X and my two bestfriends already knew about this. But Lisa declared that she and Hyeri only knew about it in the afternoon.

I went back to Hyungwon's place because mom said it would be nice to 'hang out' with my fiancee more, to catch up with things. She's not even worried.

"ARE YOU INSANE? HOW CAN YOU PLAN THIS WITHOUT TELLING ME?", I paced back and forth in frustration as Hyungwon just casually sat in his bed.

"You even asked for my parents' permission without me having no complete clue about it!", I groaned as he chuckled

"Well it's easy to do it behind your back since you're such a clueless person. I still love you though", he smirked playfully as I finally sat on the bed.

Hyungwon scooted closer and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Okay jagiya, lay it on me", I muttered a 'huh' as he pinched my nose

"I know you have a lot of questions for me. I'll answer it one by one", he looked at me lovingly, I held it in so I won't melt because of his stares.

"Where have you been all these time?"

"Studying in America"

"Wow really? Wait! You've been in America for four years, I bet there's many pretty girls"

"No one as pretty as you", I crossed my arms

"What? It's true. You have no idea how I felt like I'm going crazy because of yo-", I shushed him

"How did you know I'm single?"

"I've been watching you, didn't I tell you this earlier?"

"You did but you do realize how creepy it sounds right?"

Mission 2: Marry Chae Hyungwon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now