No Name

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PS: The songs I post are the ones I listen to when I write the chapter, so if it seems like a weird song choice, I am sorry lol

Chapter 1: No Name

Lost Girl's POV

"Wait a minute! Wait!" I cried out as the guard locked up the cell he had just thrown me in. I reached through the bars to catch his arm or at least the metal sleeve of his armor, but my small hands had just barely missed. "Please! Why am I here? What did I do?" He didn't stop, didn't even look at me. I saw him hang the keys on a hook all the way across the dungeon before walking up the steps. His footsteps echoed as he went and the last thing I heard was the door shut behind him before I noticed how dark and silent everything was.

I sat on the cold, stone floor, resting my forehead against one of the bars of my new sleeping quarters as I tried to ponder what had just happened. I thought everything had been going well.

It had been only a few weeks since I showed up at the castle gates. I had woken in a field of grass not too far from there, but had no clue where I was or how I got there. With fear in my heart and a hungry belly, I ran to the guards who stood at the gate. My dress was covered in grass stains and I still had bits of grass and flowers in my tangled, brown hair. What had happened to me, they asked. I couldn't give them a definite answer. I didn't know.

So, they marched me straight to the king.

He sat in his throne in a large, circle room. The place wasn't lit up all that much and the lightning that flashed through the window caused me to shrink even further. I held the blanket a guard had given me around my shoulders and I tightened it as we came to a stop in front of the man with dark, cold eyes and a matching "smile". He sat next to another who looked much younger, maybe just a few years older than I. However old I was...

"Who's this?" The man asked, eyeing me up and down.

"A young girl we found outside the gates, your highness," the guard on my right had responded. "There's just... One problem..."

"Well, what is it?"

Caspian's POV

She shivered against the soaked dress she wore and held on tightly to the blanket wrapped around her with small, white-knuckled hands. Her hair was in tangles as if she hadn't been capable of brushing it in weeks and her hallowed cheeks had me thinking maybe she hasn't been indoors in weeks either. Her large brown eyes contrasted everything about her, though; they were wide and alert, and almost bright as if they burned with something I couldn't quite understand. She only glanced up at my uncle and I once before she seemed to have decided that staring down at her feet was much more suitable for her.

As the guard stepped forward to have a quiet word with us, my curiosity peeked even more as the man whispered, "She can't remember who she is."

Well, that certainly has never happened before. I glanced back down at the young girl again as the guard whispers, "What should we do with her, sire?"

"Dungeon," he quietly grumbled.

"Dungeon?!" I repeated almost too loudly. The girl peered up at us but I assumed she hadn't heard us, for there was no alarm in her expression, just curiosity. Unless the dungeons didn't seem all too bad to her. But that'd be insane. "Uncle, I think the dungeons is a tad extreme, don't you?"

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