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The door was wide open. I peeked my head around the corner and saw Lilly, Sarah, her grandma and then Ashley. I moved into the doorway and stood there with my arms down and hands pressed into my sides. I just stared right at her. Ashley. I couldn't look away. She looked over at me and caught my stare. It reminded me of the first day we met and the first time we made complete eye contact. That's when she decided to just stare at me to. Was she trying to remember me? Finally everyone else noticed I was in the doorway.

" Camwon! " Lilly shouted and ran towards me with arms open.

" Hey princess. " I lifted her up and kissed her forehead.

I put her down as Sarah came towards me with arms open.

" How are you honey? " She whispered in my ear.

" I'm scared. " I was honest.

" Don't be. Just simply talk to her alright? " She gently kissed my cheek and led everyone out of the room closing the door behind them.

She was so pale and cold. She had a blank stare and still movement. She just stared at me.

" Uh.... H-hi. " I said and slowly walked towards her.

" Hello. " Her voice broke me. I missed her sweet voice speaking to me.

" How are you feeling? " I hesitated.

" My head hurts. " She laughed and placed her hand on her head. Her laugh, her smile, her everything.

" I would imagine. " I gave a small smile.

" You're Cameron aren't you? "

" You remember me? "

" Yeah, my mom said you're a friend of hers. "

" Oh. So she didn't tell you? "

" Tell me what. "

" I uh. Never mind. "

" No please, tell me. "

" I'm.... I'm actually you're boyfriend. " I paused. " Do you remember me? "

" Boyfriend? I haven't had a boyfriend since freshman year. I uh, I'm sorry. Maybe you're thinking of someone else. "

" No Ashley. " I sat down on her bed. " I'm not thinking of anyone else at all. But you. You're all I ever think about. "

She scooted back away from me.

" Umm. No offense but that's kinda creepy. I don't even know you. Mom! " She shouted.

" No! Please, you don't understand. "

" Why are you here anyway? "

" For you. "

" Mom! " She shouted again.

" No! Ashley! "

" Mom! " I have a feeling she's afraid of me.

" ASHLEY I LOVE YOU! " I shouted. She stared at me with disbelief and disgust in her eyes. " You don't understand and you may never. " I felt my eyes start to fill up again.

" Are you crying? " Her emotions changed suddenly and she leaned in much closer to me. We were now right next to each other. She placed her hand on my shoulder and I slowly brought my head up and turned, so we met face to face.

I stared right into her eyes. We said nothing. I brought my eyes up and down. Traveling to her lips then her eyes. Back to her lips then her eyes.

" You're so beautiful. " She smiled.

" Thank you. " She blushed. I always loved her blush. From the first time. It just goes to show she liked me and maybe she does now. Or maybe even she's starting to remember me.

I leaned in to try and kiss her. I gently and lightly touched my lips on hers. At first she let it happen. But the exact moment our lips met she backed away.

" What are you doing!? " She scooted back again.

" I'm sorry. I, I uh. I forgot you don't remember me."

" What? I don't even know you and you're trying to kiss me. "

" Well why did you let me!? " I stood up.

She was silent for a few seconds.

" Because. " I waited. " You're just. You, umm. "

" Just forget it. "

" No wait! I just.... Nevermind. "

I walked out of the room and slammed the door on the way out.

" Is everything okay sweetie? " Sarah asked.

" Did you tell her! Did you tell her that I'm the 'love of her life'? Did you tell her she lost her memory? Did you tell her that I'm her boyfriend? "

" Honey. " She put her hands on my shoulders but I brushed her off.

" I love her! Do you understand that? Because she doesn't! And most likely never will again. "

I cried the whole way home and to sleep. My whole life changed in a blink of an eye. But so did hers. The trip to the hospital today was confusing. I couldn't decide if it was good or bad. I was so close. I expressed my feelings for her and I tried to kiss her. Our lips barely pressed against each other. But for that second, I was in a trance. For that second I was in love just like the first time.

Our first kiss was so passionate and willing. I wanted to be able to experience that again. I wanted HER to be able to experience that again.  Now even if she does warm up to me, the slight bare peck will be what she remembers as our first kiss. She doesn't deserve that. She doesn't deserve anything that has happened to her. Neither do I. I don't deserve her. And I never will.

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