.5.Why little siblings?

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Zatanna looked in her mirror,remembering what had happened the night before.She groaned and felt the small bruise where her father had hit her.She got on her phone.



Z-I got busted..


Z-I'm grounded for the next 2 weeks.
And my dad smacked me in the face

D-Omg,Im so sorry!!

Z-It's fine.It doesn't hurt...that much.

D-Forgive me?

Z-Any Day Daddy..

D-Okay,I love you..

Z-I love you too..I'm coming over tonight still,right?

D-Did you call Artemis for cover?

Z-Yes.Did you call Wally?

D-Yeah.He was supposed to be out with Jinx but they started fighting.They haven't broke up,but are still fighting.

Z-Okay well I'll see you later then..?

Dick didn't reply..


D-Who is this?


D-So your the one Dickie speaks of?

Z-I guess...Who exactly are you?





D-Sorry,Damion got ahold of my phone...Yeah,I'll see you later...Ttyl

Z-Bye daddy..

Zatanna sighed and noticed her sister knocking at the door,"Come in."

Carmen walked in,"Hello.I have to ask you a favor..."
"Okay and oh,happy birthday."
Carmen blushed deeply,"Thank you.I guess 11 is a big deal."
Zatanna laughed,"Yep..And you'll be talking to me while your 11...puberty will hit you like a tornado.And have you started your period?"
Carmen shook her head,"Ugh gross no!My ass ain't never starting that shit!"
Zatanna's jaw dropped,"You can fucking cuss!"
She nodded,"I called Clayton an asshole and mom and dad didn't do anything."
Zatanna smiled,"Okay then..."
"So you want me to take you to your boyfriends house?!"
Carmen nodded,"Don't tell mom..His name's Damion.We are in like every class together!"
"Okay..I'm meeting my boyfriend later."
"Dad hates him you know.."
"Okay I get it!What time?"
"Wtf?!Its 2:30?!"
"Get dressed."

Zatanna drove to the park."Okay?"
Carmen rolled her eyes,"Okay okay!"
She got out,shortly followed by Zatanna.
Carmen gasped as she saw Damion.
And of course,he did the same.They ran up to each other and hugged.She gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Really?You're only 9!"
Carmen growled,"I'm 10!"
Damion laughed,"Oh my god!Its Zatanna!"
"How do you know my name?"
"I'm Dick's little brother."
Zatanna's jaw dropped,"No...fucking..way!"
Damion laughed as he texted Dick to come here.
Dick walked out of the car,wind pants and a tank top on."What do you want?"
He was on his phone.
Damion cleared his throat,"That's so polite!How about that Zatanna?"
As soon as he said Zatanna,Dick's head shot up.He saw Zatanna and laughed nervously,"What are you doing here?"
She pointed to Carmen.
She walked up to him,and planted a big kiss on his lips.
Damion and Carmen ran off.They both walked around the trails.
Zatanna laughed."What?"
Zatanna pointed to Damion and Carmen.They were holding hands.
Dick laughed,"They are so childish!"
Zatanna looked at him,"Your holding my hand!You're childish too!"
Zatanna's phone rang.
It was her dad.
"Where the hell are you?!"
"Um..I brought Carmen to Jade's."
"Mom was going to...You're not even supposed to be out of your room!"
"I know.."
"Come home,now."
"Not now."
She hung up.
Dick put his arm around her,"You okay?"
"When I'm with you,yes."
Dick smiled and gave her a small kiss.
"So am I."
Damion then ran up behind them.Carmen laughed.
"Go away!"Zatanna hissed.
"Sorry princess.No can do."
Zatanna was about to use magic,when Dick then gasped,"I saw a rat!"
They both looked around and screamed.
"Go swing!"
They left and it was quiet.
"Now it's peaceful."
Dick chuckled,"You can say that again.."
"I know.."
Then he got a phone call.
"Hello?Wally?What?Oh shit!Your dead.At least she's happy.Oh she's not..Your dead..I'll attend your funeral.
Oh shit,dude.We're coming,me and Zatanna."
He hung up and grabbed her hand.
"We gotta go."
They all got in the car and Dick sped down the street.
"What the hell is going on."
"What's wrong with Wally?"
"He's about to die."
They pulled up at his house and went inside.
Artemis was sitting on the couch,with a blanket over her head.
Wally was pacing up and down the hall.
"What the hell?!"
"What happened?"
Artemis uncovered her head and her steel gray eyes were full of tears.
Zatanna stood up and charged at Wally.
"You son of a bi-"
Zatanna then looked at Artemis.
"I-it's true."
Zatanna felt like her friend just died.
"Your so dead..Jinx is gonna-"
Just then Jinx walked in the door.
"Wally,I'm sorry about us fighting!"
She ran up to Wally and gave him a giant hug.Wally hugged her back,"It's okay.."
Artemis then stood up and walked out of the door.
"Arty!Wait!"Wally ran out after her.
Jinx crossed her arms,"Why the hell is she here?!"
Zatanna sighed,"Um...Her...her really good friend died and Wally was his friend too..So they went to his funeral together."
Jinx gave her a suspicious glare.

Dick and Zatanna walked out of the door and into the car.
Damion and Carmen were kissing in the back seat.Zatanna hit the window as they both screamed bloody murder.
Zatanna glared at them.
She got in the car."Keep your sticky lips off of my sister!"
Damion crossed his arms,"Keep your lipstick stained lips off of my brother."
Zatanna was about to attack that child but Dick stopper her,"Just ignore him,everyone else does."
She growled and crossed her arms.
"I hate you."
He smiled,"I know you do."
They arrived at Zatanna's house.
He gave her a kiss then she left.
Carmen shortly followed.

Dick drove home,"I hope Arty's okay."
Damion rolled his eyes,"She lives with an assassin and she gets abused every day.She's fine."
Dick rolled his eyes,"I know,but her mom is a nice lady.Well she was.."

Damion shrugged,"That Lian kid,she's in my grade."
Dick laughed,"Lian?!Lian Harper?!Oml,she must be a handful-"
"She's all the teachers favorite.She's really smart,but who cares."
Dick was frozen,"Yeah...who cares."

Zatanna was in her room when her dad stormed in,"You've got some explaining to do!"
Zatanna sighed,"I can explain."
She explained that she brought her to a friends and they actually believed her..


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